Diet & Exercise: Myself

Results 11-20 from 843 articles

I Eat a Lot!

R.M. asks from Portland

I feel that with breastfeeding/pumping that I am always hungry. I was this way with my daughter too. I am very active, so that adds to it, but I feel like I eat so ...


Pregnancy Do's and Don'ts

K.M. asks from Chicago

So I'm sitting here drinking a delicious cup of coffee and I'm remembering when I was pregnant and that someone told me that you cannot drink coffee or eat chocolate ...


Breastfeeding: What Not to Eat?

L.L. asks from Orlando

With my first son, my pediatrician suggested I don't eat peanuts or shellfish as they baby tends to have a greater chance developing an allergy to either when being e...


Is It Okay to Eat Raw Eggs While Breastfeeding?

V.W. asks from Minneapolis

My entire pregnancy one of the few things I craved was cookie dough, but of course I couldn't have it because I was pregnant and it contained raw eggs. Now I am breas...


Health Advice

T.F. asks from Austin

Hi There- I am in my early thirties have had three children in the last five years and I am very much into health and fitness. I have always been so fortunate to be ...


Food Issues Early in Pregnancy

R.S. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, I'm 8 weeks pregnant and the food cravings are in full force. Problem: I want fish and deli. I know in some countries, i.e. Japan, women eat sushi and oth...


Pregnancy Diet...

S.D. asks from Dallas

I am looking to keep my weight gain at 20-25lbs this pregnancy but also feel sick if i dont eat often or nutritiously Did anybody have good success with a diet that I...


To Buy Organic or Much Does Nutrition Count?

B.H. asks from Salt Lake City

Since the time when my son turned 6 months old and started eating solids, I have become obsessed with trying to provide the best nutrition that I can for my son. I h...


Second Pregnancy

L.P. asks from Chicago

Help!! I am 6 weeks pregnant and always so hungry. It is 9:30 and I have eaten 3 times. Is there any types of foods I should focus on eating as to not gain a lot o...


Pregnancy Tea

H.F. asks from Pocatello

Does anyone have experience with drinking "pregnancy tea" (herbal tea) while pregnant? I have been looking everywhere to find out if it is safe and I have gotten con...