Diet & Exercise: Curves

34 articles

Diet & Weight-loss

L.M. asks from Modesto

I am a young mother of 3 who started out weighing 125, i cant even tell you my weight now. I guess I feel way to busy to go to the gym, but I really want to loos...


Hypothyroid and Can't Lose Weight

D.C. asks from Chicago

I found out my thyroid is underactive after my baby was born and I couldn't lose weight. I have been on Synthroid .5mg since November of last year now and my blood t...


LA Weight Loss

J.D. asks from Portland

I was just wondering if anyone has tried the LA Weight Loss program. If you have, did it work, how expensive was it, and did you have to take supplements? My daughter...



S.A. asks from Sacramento

My son had his 9 month old checkup yesterday and the DR recommended we start him on formula right away. James has been exclusively breastfed all his life, then starte...