Coughs: Lauren

Results 1-10 from 16 articles

6Mo Son Has Had Congested Cough for Months

C.S. asks from Tulsa

Hi, my now 6 month old son has this congested cough that he has been carrying for a couple months. I've gon through the nebulizer, donatussing, otc remedies, and we ...


What to Give to a Coughing 14 Month Old?

R.J. asks from Las Vegas

My son is recovering from viral bronchiolitis. We have him on antibiotics, and are doing breathing treatments with albuterol 3 times a day. My question is does anyone...


Lingering Coughs After Having Cold - Warrants Dr.'s Visit??

Y.P. asks from Los Angeles

Hello MaMas My 3 y.o. boy was sick with cold a couple of weeks ago with fever of 102 for a couple of days. His sickness was not that severe - just one of those "usua...


Do You Protect Your Unvaccinated Child?

C.O. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, I'm just wondering for those who don't vaccinate your children - how do you protect them from diseases? Do you take any extra, precautionary measures? Surely, you...


Started Solids Question

M.B. asks from Florence

I have a 6 month old daughter that was exclusively breast-feed for the first 6 month of life. Two weeks ago we started supplementing a few ounces of formula (because ...


Seeking Pediatrician in Redondo/SouthBay Area

H.D. asks from Los Angeles

Hi there. I am looking for a great pediatrician in the area that is great with both babies and children/preteens. I have a 1 and a half year old daughter and a 12 yea...


Help with 17 Month Old Son

L.M. asks from Los Angeles

For the last 4 1/2 weeks my son has had a low fever almost every night. When the fevers first started I noticed he was putting his finger in his ear (he had just bee...


2 Year Old Shots

R.S. asks from Phoenix

So my little guy has his 2 year check up tomorrow and we're really debating on whether or not to give him his shots. I've heard and read so many different things reg...


6 Week Old with Congestion

S.J. asks from Dallas

the last few mornings my sweet little girl wakes up in the mornings with major congestion. it tends to disappear later in the day, but it interferes with her morning ...


C-section Vs. Vaginal Delivery

H.B. asks from Seattle

Hi, I posted a couple weeks ago about my pregnancy when I found out my baby is in a transverse position. Thanks for all the responses and advice! I'm visiting a chir...