Church Activities: Neocate

Results 1-10 from 15 articles


N.S. asks from Los Angeles

We just found out my one year old is allergic to the following: MILK, PEANUTS, eggs, wheat, brown rice, rice, chicken, beef, salmon & peas. I have NO idea what to fee...


2 Month Pre-Mature Baby with Severe Acid Reflux

C.E. asks from Billings

I am the mommy to 2 kids My Youngest is my son who is now 2 1/2 months old he was born at 32 weeks. He has been diagnosed with Severe Acid Reflux and Lactose and Toll...


Children's Institute Inpatient Therapy

C.B. asks from Pittsburgh

My 13mnt old son was diagnosted with delayed emptying of the stomach a few months ago. The doctor has him on 4 different meds to treat the problem, however it doesn't...


Seeking Help with 7 Month Old Who Spits up Constantly

L.R. asks from Dallas

I have a 7 month old son who spits up horribly. Its not projectile, but its usually large amounts at a time. We have changed his formula three times since he was bo...


What to Do When Your 21/2 Month Child Is Fussy?

C.K. asks from Miami

I have a little girl that is extremely fussy most of the day. I try to entertain her to keep her happy but all she seems to do is fuss. Does anyone have any suggest...


Sleep/Acid Reflux--Help!!

K.D. asks from Dallas

I have newborn twins (born prematurely at 33 weeks) who are now going on 11 weeks. They do have acid reflux and are taking medications and their food is thickened th...


Expensive Formula

S.S. asks from Chicago

Hi all. I'm new to this site, as it was recommended to me by another mom friend. My son is five months old and has severe food intolerances in addition to acid reflux...


Baby with Dairy Intolerance/allergy

D.N. asks from Chicago

Hello, My name is D. and I am new to this group but I like the idea of talking to other Moms and sharing knowledge/advice with them. I think I've learned more fro...


12 Month Old Will Not Sleep

D.G. asks from Los Angeles

My son just turned 1 this week and the last 2 months have been awful. He has had viral infections including fever, diarhea and congestion ( not all at the same time ...


Colic Baby

A.H. asks from Oklahoma City

I could need some help. I have a 4 week old son and he is crying 24/7. I'm so excausted. To the beginn i was breastfeeding him, but then my milk went away. I only got...