Breastfeeding: Exersaucer

Results 1-10 from 210 articles

Advice Regarding Breast Feeding and Acid Reflux

H.C. asks from Ocala

I am a new mom of a 7wk old who I believe has Acid Reflux. We go for her 2 month check up next week, but have already spoken with the pediatrician regarding our conc...


Breastfeeding a Gassy Baby

D.N. asks from New York

I am breastfeeding and finding that my baby is fussy after most feedings. He spits up and always seems to be uncomfortable. He only finds comfort in me rocking him an...


Newborn + Breastfeeding + Middle of the Night Cosleeping = Po'd Husband - HELP

S.G. asks from Chicago

We have a two week old - yay! He's nursing great, however he's had his days and nights mixed up. We have been successful at keeping his up more and more during the ...


Night Waking and Not Crawling

A.S. asks from Chicago

Hi everyone, my son is 9 months old and is still getting up 2 or 3 times per night, usually wants to nurse back to sleep. I don't know if it is related to teething or...


Daughter Tipping over in Bouncy Seat

N.M. asks from Chico

Hi Moms, My almost 5 month old daughter is uable to sit up unassisted, yet she pulls herself up to sitting while in her bouncy seat and then tips over the side. I'v...


How to Stimulate a 6 Month Old- Need Activities

J.K. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, I am lucky to be a new stay at home mother for my gorgeous 6 month old son. Howwever, I am starting to come to a point where I don't know exactly how to best fil...


5 Month Old Not Napping

E.C. asks from Orlando

My 5 month old daughter is a great night sleeper. As soon as she gets a bath and I put her PJ’s on she goes to sleep immediately when I lay her in the crib. She sle...


Sleeping Pattern: 5 Months

L.M. asks from Los Angeles

Goodness, my baby does not sleep at all! She still gets up odd hours of wee morning to nurse every 3 hours all day! She is 5 months going on six. I know it is not nor...


Fussy 4-1/2 Mo... What's Wrong?

N.S. asks from Los Angeles

I have a wonderful 4-1/2 month old daughter. I recently had to go back to work full-time... very sad about this, but I am very lucky to have my mother and mother-in-l...


It's Been 10 Months and I Can't Lose the Baby Weight!

K.J. asks from New York

Hello, I'm a new member to Mama Source and am looking for suggestions regarding losing the baby weight. I have a 10 month old daughter that I absolutely adore. I wen...