Allergies Medications: Toddler, Pulmicort

Results 11-20 from 232 articles

Son's Asthma Medications

S.P. asks from Indianapolis

My son was treated for exercise induced asthma back in Spring '08 - and given an albuterol inhaler to take as needed. He continued to have more trouble as the summer...


Allergy Testing Ideas

M.W. asks from Great Falls

My two-year-old son has had asthmatic symptoms in the past. (He uses pulmicort) He also, in the last three months, has developed bright red cheeks and allergy eyes....


Allergy Med for Asthmatic?

H.L. asks from Washington DC

Hi! My 4 year-old has viral-induced asthma (only has asthma when sick with a cold and at no other times). He is on Singulair and Flovent regularly and Pulmicor...


Possible Food Allergy

L.B. asks from Philadelphia

Hi Everyone, I have a 4 1/2 year old boy who has had allergies in the past. He was never diagnosed with asthma, but he has taken Albuterol, Singulair and Pulmicort ...


My Son Is on So Much Medicine He Is a Different Baby That Isn't Happy

B.B. asks from Fort Myers

Since birth my son has always had "noisy breathing." After 6 months of going to his pediatrician who new nothing we ended up in the ER for other reasons. We were refe...


Allergy Shots and Asthma Meds

R.B. asks from Grand Rapids

Hello Mamas, I am asking for your advice regarding asthma and allergy treatments for little ones. I am nearly at my wit's end dealing with my four and a half-year-o...


Asthma vs Allergies and Allergy Testing

A.W. asks from Phoenix

My 3-year old went to the dr today for a persistant cough that came on with no viral or bacterial origin. She was diagnosed with RAD (reactive airway disease) in Aug...


Allergy Shots for 7 Yr. Old Son?

T.W. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi Moms! Do any of you have any experience -- good or bad -- with having your child receive weekly allergy shots? My husband and I are on the fence with this because ...


Cough Medicine

M.T. asks from Springfield

Hi everyone. I have a 15-month-old son who I have used cough medicine with before (with the doctors permission) and have had no problems. Now his doctor says not to...


Giving a Preschooler Daily Allergy Medication

D.B. asks from Dallas

My Doctor has prescribed my son (who will turn 2 in 2 days) Zyrtec to take daily. have other moms had good experiences with their preschool kids on Zyrtec? My son ha...