Adding Cereal to Milk: Nutramigen

Results 51-60 from 399 articles

Breastfed 4 Mth Old Now Refusing Bottle

V.B. asks from Sacramento

My 4 mth old daughter usually gets the breast, but on the odd occasion she had no trouble drinking from a nuk bottle - since she was 6 weeks old - whether it was from...


7 Month Old Refusing to Take Bottle at Daycare

L.W. asks from Great Falls

My 7 month old daughter has been in daycare since she was 12 weeks old. During this time she has taken very well to bottle feeding with the breast milk I pump and sa...


Getting 1 Year Old to Drink Milk

K.D. asks from Dayton

My son just got switched from formula to regular milk and he doesn't seem to want to drink it....i've tried just about everything...he was on isomil advance before he...


Frustrated Baby While Bottle Fed - Please Help, This Is So Upsetting!

E.V. asks from New York

My 7 weeks old daughter is constantly fighting the bottle (was never breastfed). She started off great, but at about 3 weeks she just became frustrated with it. I tri...


Baby Is Extremely Fussy, Very Restless and Refuses to Sleep Without Bottle .

M.L. asks from Louisville

My 10 week old granddaughter is an extremely restless and fussy baby. She is constantly kicking and moving and crying or fussing. I am not exaggerating , there is har...


My Two Year Old Has a Cow's Milk and Soy Allergy

S.W. asks from Phoenix

We've recently made the discovery that my son has a cow's milk allergy by journaling his food for about a month, then doing a blood test. (He LOVES milk, cheese, ice...


Mixing Formula with Goat's Milk for My 9-Week Old

N.M. asks from Los Angeles

Okay people...RELAX!!!! I was breastfeeding. My son had a bad latch that was causing incredible amounts of air to be swallowed. It was suggested that I just pump b...


5 Weeks Old Infant Milk Protein Allergy Allimentum HELP Please

E.F. asks from Detroit

Hi Everyone, I need some help. Wondering if anyone has experience with Allimentum formula? My son is only 5 weeks old and I was nursing but sick myself with bad migr...


9 Month Old Vomits Milk (Formula) and Anything Solid That I Try to Feed Him

M.G. asks from San Francisco

Hello all, I really hope you can help me out. I have a 9 mth old baby boy who has given me trouble with feeding from the first day. We have to do so many things...


5 1/2 Month Old with Milk Allergy, No More Nursing and They Say Still No Food!

C.B. asks from Philadelphia

My son was diagnosed with a milk allergy at about 3 months old. Anyone who is reading this and responding, in case you are not familiar with this, it is completely d...