Adding Cereal to Milk: Myself

Results 31-40 from 6,175 articles

Rice Cereal

H.S. asks from Stationed Overseas

I know rice cereal can be introduced between 4-6 months. How does one know when the right time is?


Soymilk in Cereal

B.S. asks from Scranton

Hey everyone! I am currently pumping and putting breastmilk in with her cereal, however I am going to start weaning in about a month. I was wondering if you have do...


Cereal in Formula

M.M. asks from Boston

My son is now a little over 3 months. He spits up a ton and it is often very chunky. The Dr says he has acid reflux. We have tried zantac and prevacid. We also ha...


Starting Cereal

S.M. asks from El Paso

I just moved so I dont have a new dr. out here yet, the baby book Im reading isnt very clear, and the box doesnt my questions are...once I start my baby on r...


Rice Cereal

I.H. asks from New York

I gave rice cereal to my 4 month old for the first time today at around 11am. By the time his third nap came (around 3pm), he could not nap. He was screaming and cryi...


Infant Cereal

T.D. asks from Lansing

My daughter is a month old. She is eating between 3 and 4 ounces of formula and still cries like she is hungry. She burps well, but i always feed her some more and th...


How Much Cereal

C.M. asks from Madison

I have an Almost 5 month who has started eating cereal. He also has started waking up in the middle of the night to breastfeed, at witch time he needs a diaper change...


When to Start Cereal?

E.W. asks from Tulsa

My baby is going to be 8wks old next week and I was wondering when other Mom's started feeding cereal. I have talked to the doctor and they have said that they want h...


Starting Cereal

R.P. asks from Seattle

My daughter is 5months 2 weeks. She has been sitting up for about a month by herself. She seems very interested in what we eat and does grab for it. I want to star...


Breastfeeding and Cereal?!

F.K. asks from Fargo

I just started my 4 month old on cereal a week ago. He doesn't seem to care too much for it but eats it just fine. My concern is that now when I try to breast feed hi...