Two Month Old Who Doesn't Take Naps

Updated on September 09, 2011
Y.S. asks from Nesconset, NY
10 answers

I have a two month old who has recently started sleeping six hours at night, but will not take naps during the day! At best, she will sleep for 15 minutes and then is up again. By 4pm she is overtired and screaming. I swaddle her religously and try to soothe her in everyway possible but she still will not fall into a deep sleep. I think she is a bit colic but my doctor has no real remedies to suggest. Has anyone ever experienced such resistence to naps with their young infants?

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answers from Raleigh on

Try to get her to sleep earlier than you normally would if she is over tired she will be more resistant. It is important for her to nap at this age. Even if she is sleeping in a swing or a car seat it is okay.

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answers from Milwaukee on

Where are you having her nap? At 2 months mine always napped in a babyseat or the carseat. They did not want to be flat on their back in the crib.

Plus, PPer is right she should be having her first nap no later than 2 hours after she wakes up in the morning. If you go longer than that, she will be overtired and then not sleep as well. Then about every 2 hours she should have another.

Don't give up if she only sleeps for 15 minutes. Keep up the routine and hopefully her naps will start to get longer as she gets older. You want to give her as much sleep as possible and create a foundation for future sleep habits - Good Luck!

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answers from New York on

My daughter did the same thing. I asked the pediatrician and he said some babies sleep through the night and don't nap during the day and others are not good sleepers at night but take 2 - 3 naps during the day. My daughter would go to bed at 9 p.m. and sleep until 7 a.m. but during the day she was up. I don't know about you but I liked being able to sleep through the night. My second child not only slept through the night but he took 2 naps during the day and was in bed by 7:30 every night. And then I had another one who God help me he never slept and I wanted to cry; this one slept tops 3 hours every 24 hours, it got to the point where I would fall asleep in the pediatricians office. So as you can see they are all different, they each have their own personality and requirements.



answers from Seattle on

Anyone who tried to swaddle my son got a no-sleep-baby (some kids DESPISE swaddling).

Anytime he wasn't burped for a solid 45-60 minutes after eating he'd get paiful gas (he'd burp twice. Once right off, and then again 45-60min later... I did a LOT of reading-while-burping while he was little) and would be a no-sleep-baby

Anytime *I* got him down late for a nap *I* got a no-sleep-baby
That young, he'd only be able to be awake for 2-3 hours at a time before needing to crash again. In the morning he'd often only be up for an HOUR before needing to sleep again. He'd WANT to be up, but he wasn't ready for it yet. But if I missed that window of opportunity to put him back down, the rest of the day was up the crick. Most babies need 14/15 hours of sleep.

Learned (the hard way) when he was resistant to sleep to try giving him tylenol 10 minutes before bed. His teeth didn't bother him during the day at ALL... but holy COW did they keep him from sleeping.
My own son when he was VERY little

"bed" at 7pm
ate at 10pm-11pm
ate at 1am-2am
ate at 5am-6am
"up" at 7am (aka after eating at 5/6, he'd need to go back to sleep for an hour. Little bugger. Once I was up I was UP)
Nap at 9am-11am
Nap at 1pm-330pm

He gradually changed to sleeping 7pm-1am / 1am-5am/ 6am-9am and then naps from 11-1 and 3-530



answers from Miami on

A two month old should be on about a 3 hour cycle of wake, eat, play, downtime, sleep. I agree with the others about trying sleeping in a swing but my youngest also liked to sleep in a bouncy seat at that age. I wouldn't have it bounce, just have the music on. He would nap for a good hour to 1.5 hours wherever. Sometimes, I would put the bouncy chair in the bathroom so that I could shower during his nap!

She will be different next week so hang in there and know that at this age the only thing certain is change. Here are two really good articles:

This has baby schedules for the first year. I wish I had found this with my first baby - my second has been almost religious in following these:

Hang in there! C.


answers from Houston on

So I am wondering if the colic is actually reflux? My first had it and it affected his sleep so much! Could they do a swallow study? The did this with my son at a month and it was amazing to just watch the stuff come right back up. He go on meds and did fine, still spit a lot but he slept much better. A baby that age does need rest. In the meantime, I suggest having her sleep more upright. In a swing maybe or bouncy seat or even her carseat. I put my first in a swing a lot for naps bc that is a way I could get some rest too! But I do know babies are all different, so you may have to try lots of things! Have you tried letting her sleep on her tummy? Like from your shoulder to her little tummy. I know some people are not comfortable doing that, but I did it with my second and he was such an awesome sleeper and on the tummy was the only way the child would sleep. By two months mine were over swaddling as well. They did better being bedded down with the covers snug around them. I would put my second in his bassinet, then tuck the covers snugly in the sides of it, he loved it, snug but not completely wrapped up. Good luck, hope you get this resolved soon so everyone gets some rest!!



answers from Raleigh on

My colicky son slept well at night, but not during the day. The only way I could get him to sleep at all during the day was to hold and rock him. So get you a comfy chair and go to it. lol Seriously, it won't last forever, and sometimes you have to do what you have to do.



answers from Savannah on

I know that for my son (and most other infants I have known), he didn't really get on a schedule until about 4 months old. Naps were erratic. I would try the swing or vibrating chair, and you can deal with getting rid of that habit a little later on down the road. Also, have you tried some kind of sling, carrier or wrap? At that age, my son loved the moby wrap and would knock out whenever I wore him. Good luck!



answers from New York on

Both my kids are power nappers. My oldest (son) would sleep 8pm-6am & take several 15 minute naps a day. My youngest (daughter) 4 months old will sleep longer at night 8pm-8am!! She will take 3 1/2 hour naps a day. But when she was 2 months old she was fighting the naps like crazy. I would take her for a walk or for a drive & that would usually induce a nap. Once she found her thumb she now soothes herself right to sleep - ahhhh!!! Hang in there your baby will figure it out!



answers from Springfield on

My kids both loved to sleep in the swing. I would feed them and then place them in the swing. It usually wasn't too long before they drifted. My older son always put up more of a fight about sleeping. He was breastfed (though I would "bottlefeed" his brother to sleep). One thing that worked for us was to lie down in the center of my bed. I would nurse him while lying down. Once he was in a deep sleep I would slowly role away.

I liked the book "The No Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. She gives lots of information about babies and their sleep cycles. She also asks questions about your baby to help you better understand your babies sleep style and needs. I used lots of her suggestions to create a routine for my kids. She really has some great information, and it's a light read.

Good luck! Remember, they change so fast at this age, so just because something isn't working right now doesn't mean it isn't worth trying again later. And don't forget, she really will learn to sleep better. Promise!

Also, the best place for baby to sleep is wherever baby (safely) sleeps. don't worry if it's not the crib or some other traditional place. Wherever baby is comfortable and safe is fine!

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