Stomach Bug Advice

Updated on April 29, 2007
C.S. asks from Runnemede, NJ
6 answers

We are now on day 5 of my 13 month old daughter being sick! She was vomiting from 2am-7pm tuesday with diarrhea; wednesday slight fever, diarrhea and vomited 2 times; thursday diarrhea and vomited 1 time; friday diarrhea and vomited 2 times; today (saturday) and so far diarrhea and vomited 2 times and it's only 8am! We were in the ER tuesday and they said she just had the nasty virus that is going around. She was up and playing wednesday night and seemed fine. She's been nursing and even tried eating a tad of banana the past 2 days. She's had wet diapers overnight and the past few days so I'm not too worried about dehydration right now. We just switched pediatricians and she hasn't been seen by them yet so I don't know if I should try calling them or just go to the ER again. I'm so worried about her! Like right now she is up and playing. And I start my new job monday after being a SAHM for 2 years. How am I supposed to work if she isn't drinking anything but only nursing?

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So What Happened?

Thank you everyone for your advice! It has been over 24 hours without any vomiting or diarrhea. Hopefully she is on the mend now!

More Answers



answers from Philadelphia on

Hi. My son had diarrhea for about 3 days and it was like brown water (sorry so graphic, but true). He did not have the vomiting. I was advised to try Danactive, or any yogurt with active live cultures. I just put it in his soy milk, and after drinking it he didn't "go" until the next evening. His BM was at least a better consistency the first time he did "go", and then it was back to normal the second time. Maybe this will help. I hope so. Hang in there:)

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answers from Philadelphia on

Hey C.,
Sounds like she has the Roto Virus. I feel your pain. My daughter had the virus twice.
Stick with rice cereal/apples/bananas and bread to bind her up and a teaspoon of pediaite or juice/water every ten minutes for a few hours.
Give your husband strick instructions not to give her anything but the BRATS diet while you are at work. The virus can last a week. If she still has tears, wet mouth and diapers I wouldn't go to the ER, not much you can do for her anyway.
Hope everything works out for you!

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answers from Philadelphia on

As long as she has wet diapers, she will get better! That is the only important part! She will begin eating again, and as I was told, if she is nursing, it is better than drinking water. I was told not to give my son water until the vomiting and diarreah has stopped. It took my son about a week of actual sickness but then another week to recover. BUT he was admitted to CHOP for dehydration.

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answers from Philadelphia on


Hey I am sorry you are going through this.. my son who is 17 months just came out of the hospital after a 3 day stay for the SAME thing. What it sounds like is the Rota virus.. this virus can wreck havic on little ones. and drain them of fluids very quickly. How is she now? Is she drinking anything? or eating? It sounds like you got through the most of it.. today is day 6 for my son and thankfully he seems almost back to his normal self.. still I will not allow him to eat much ot drink to fast. He would look fine one minute then the next thing I knew he was vomiting everywhere.. so I know how you feel adn how frustrating it is.. Try to stay calm.. and I highly suggest applesauce.. it worked AWESOME for us... he was able to keep it down and he loved it. If your baby can get down one container of it.. that is equal to 4 ounces of fluid. If she doesn;t vomit for at least 6-8 hours then you can introduce solids such as banana's, toast, crackers etc... but he main thing is DRINK DRINK DRINK. Little sips !!!!!!
Good luck to you and please keep us posted on how she is.
I know it is aweful but like all things in life... this too shall pass.

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answers from Philadelphia on

I would definitely call the pediatrician. The vomiting part usually does not last more than 24 hours. It sounds like she is hydrated, but I would be concerned about five consecutive days of vomiting. I'd check with them, especilly since she was seen in the ER at the very beginning of this thing. Good luck--that sounds just awful. Hope she's feeling better very soon!

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answers from Dallas on

I think you need to get her seen right away. It could be the rota virus and she could dehydrate very quickly!

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