Pregnant and Breaking Out!!!!!!

Updated on April 28, 2011
J.D. asks from Orange, CA
9 answers

Hello ladies, I am 35 and pregnant with my secnd child. I am now 12 weeks along and for the past month my skin has gone from horrible to worse. I usually have a very nice complextion but now I am riddled with pimples!!! I know its hormonal but it's getting ridiculous and making me feel pretty bad about myself. Does anyone know a good treatment I can use to minimize my breakouts that is also safe to use while pregnant? Please help, I really appreciate it!!!

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answers from Chicago on

I lived on Mario Badescu's Buffering Lotion while pregnant with my son. Same thing - TERRIBLE hormonal (and cystic) acne. Nothing worked completely, but this worked the best for me.

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answers from Chicago on

Well, I know some will not agree, but my doctor told me I was fine to continue using whatever I used before, as long as it wasn't containing Retin A. So I kept on with my clean and clear, which is medicated with triclosan. I never experienced and issue and my son is perfect. My doctor was pretty relaxed when it came to medications during pregnancy. I never took or used anything unless it was absolutely necessary, but my doctor wasn't one to make me suffer needlessly. If you are very concerned, talk with your doc about your choices.

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answers from Gainesville on

I broke out b/c of stress during my divorce and I ordered Proactiv It worked Awesome!! I know a lot of people who use it and I even saw it for sale at the mall..

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answers from San Diego on

I used the Tea Tree Oil products from Body Shop when I was pregnant - highly recommend.


answers from Chicago on

I put toothpaste on them at night and under makeup....dried them up. I also had to switch skin care products to something more pure (switched to Say Yes to Cucumbers Line- organic/natural) and switch to mineral makeup (Bare Minerals) instead of liquid foundation and skin is now clear. Breakouts happen EVERY time I am pregnant (currently 36 weeks with baby #3 -- 3rd baby in 4 years) and right when I quit nursing, when my hormones are all over the place.



answers from Las Vegas on

I broke out like crazy when I was pregnant. I used proactive and it seemed to help a lot.



answers from Los Angeles on

My friends rave about Clear Action® Acne Medication System. It's formulated by Dr. Perricone and at the fraction of the cost of his formularies. And I know that they offer a money back guarantee. Safe to use.



answers from Los Angeles on

Oh Hunnie, I know what you mean! It's the worst! :( I too break out horribly when pregnant. The only thing that helped was Proactive. For me, it helped, BUT didn't make them go away completely. Hope it works for you!



answers from San Diego on

Proactiv Gentle Solution. I used the regular Proactive, but then switched to the Gentle version when I was pregnant and loved it. I had bad acne before I got pregnant and continued to have it throughout both pregnancies. I'm still using the Proactiv Gentle, I love it and I'm pimple free!

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