Pregnancy Morning Sickness

Updated on December 17, 2017
L.W. asks from Minneapolis, MN
63 answers

What is the latest in dealing with morning sickness? 8 weeks pregnant? Any suggestions? I only know of the saltine crackers.

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So What Happened?

My daughter is doing better. Thanks for all of these wonderful ideas! She has found that eating small meals is beneficial, rather than not eating much at all. The lemon drops seem to help her during the day while working, along with the SeaBand bracelet. She won't use the prescription; it might harm the baby! Well, the OB doctor prescribed it..She wants to be one of "those" cute pregnant ladies that looks so happy while being pg. She is really looking forward to hearing the heart beat on her next visit!
Again, many thanks everyone!

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answers from Minneapolis on

It's totally different for everyone---and morning (all-day) sickness is not fun! What worked for me: 25mg unisom and 25mg of Vitamin B6 before bed each night, a banana before I got out of bed in the morning, and chocolate milk! Sprite and 7-Up also helped. Congratulations, good luck, and remember, this too, shall pass!

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answers from Omaha on


I always found that seven up helped a bit (esp. if warm). Also, peppermints are awesome - halfway through sucking on one I would feel better! :)


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answers from Minneapolis on

Hi there!
The best thing that worked for me was those peppermint Starlight mints, you can buy a bag at the gas station and they work great!
Good luck to you!

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answers from Minneapolis on

Oh how I feel for you! I was very sick during my pregnancy. I drank giner ale, took unisom (at night), ate plain noodles, gatorade (w/pedisure to saty hydrated- nothing grape! I was so sick I ended up in the hospital 3 times for dyhydration, etc & was diagnoised w/Hyperemesis. I was then precrsided Zofran which did WONDERS!

Good luck to yopu!

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answers from Des Moines on

I'm sure you have gotten alot of responses. I did not read through them yet. :) Lemon drops helped me the most. I have also heard of drinking lemon water, having lemon scents around you. and also Tangerine scented oils are supposed to help. and ginger snaps and ginger tea I have also heard but I don't like those so they would have made it worse just from the taste. :) Try this website click on specific health concerns and under this scroll down to Morning Sickness. I just read this in one of my magazines. I have never tried Legumes but if it helps then great. OK well I hope you get to feeling better soon. Enjoy your pregnancy. we were done with #3. LOL. laterz

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answers from Minneapolis on

What helped me was to try to keep something in my stomach at all times. Something easily digested like crackers rather than carrots. I could not handle the peppermint you see made my tummy more upset. But I found sucking on hard candy like Jolly Ranchers helpful. Oh...and not to get out of bed in the AM until I had some Saltines, even if I was feeling OK.

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answers from Lincoln on

Frosted flakes, Extra green apple gum, peppermint gum, and Jolly Ranchers helped me some. K.

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answers from Grand Forks on

What really seemed to help me was pedialyte, unisom and B6. I couldn't really keep much down as my morning sickness was more like all day sickness! My OB told me water is hard on your stomache and told me to drink pedialyte and gatorade for a couple of weeks. Hope this helps! I've heard sucking on raw or candied ginger helps too. Good luck and congratulations!

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answers from Milwaukee on

Peppermint Altoid mints were recommended by my doctor, and they totally work for me!

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answers from Bismarck on

HI! First off, Congrats! The miracle cure for me was taking half of a vitamin B6 and half a tablet of unisom at bedtime every night. There's something about the combo of the two that works wonders!!!! I wish I would've known about it my first pregnancy ( I was sick for 5 months)- my second pregnancy started out the same way and once I started taking this I felt great! Good luck!

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answers from St. Cloud on

Cinnamon gum was the only thing that helped my morning sickness.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Ginger worked for me. I drank ginger ale and ginger tea. Some suggest letting the ginger ale get flat but I never did and it still worked.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Sucking on lemon drops- something about the smell of lemon and the tartness of the candy really helped. My doctor recommended it to me, and although I though she was crazy I tried it and it worked like a charm. I was very sick too, I couldn't even keep water down.

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answers from Milwaukee on

Peppermint is said to help with it...good luck - I had it bad with all of my girls (we have 3 girls and a boy)...also eating small snacks thru-out the day verses just three meals seemed to help for me. As well as having a cracker before I even got up in the morning - since that was the worse time for me.
Good luck!

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answers from Omaha on

you kind of have to try different things to help you because everyone is different. I used ginger ale and crackers, dr pepper always settled my stomach. How long it lasts depends entirely on you also. My first pregnancy I threw up quite a bit and I was so tired I slept most of the time. I would be so tired i fell asleep on my keyboard that goes away and it isn't so all the time but I was nauseated the entire pregnancy. My dr let me take half of a sleeping pill that helped me feel less nauseated but made me tired. obviously you want to try and stay away from any meds so if you can't handle talk to your doc and they will know if you ever wonder if you can take something you should be able to just call your doc and they can call in something to the pharmacy. good luck with your pregnancy, it isn't as bad , going through labor, as everyone would like to scare you into

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answers from Milwaukee on

Eat saltines before you get out of bed in the morning. Make sure you are eating 6 small meals a day instead of a few really big ones. Avoid the food items that make you nautious.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I started taking Unison at night. I'm not exactly sure why it works, but the nurse had told me to try it. For me, I don't usually need to much medication to work, so I only took a half each night. A friend of mine said that taking B vitamins worked for her. I don't remember what the dose is, but it didn't work for me. Another favorite of mine was ginger pills. They are natural and I found them at Cub foods. There is also ginger tea, but I never found one that I really liked, so took the pills instead. Small amounts of protein all day are supposed to help too.

I had to experiment a little to find what worked for me. I hope you feel better! It really stinks to feel so lousy. I did too. Congratulations on the new little one!

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answers from Bismarck on

Sea bands. PRINGLES. Lemon drops.

I puked through the entire pregnancy with two of my girls - and the only thing to keep the nausea down were these. We drove from North Dakota to California - with a stack of vomiting items - needed every one of them - BUT I didn't feel the nausea. And the urge to throw up OFTEN was lessened by having either the sour or the salty taste on my tongue.

The sea bands can be found at a pharmacy such as CVS. Little stretchy bands with a hard plastic 'bump' that acts - i'm guessing - sort of like acupressure ?

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answers from Lincoln on

It's whatever helps the pregnant woman.
I never got sick myself, but I did get nauseous. The nausea would go away after I ate. Anything. It would also present itself when I ate too much.
So for me the trick was to eat little amounts at regular intervals, 1 1/2 to 2 hours, usually.
I say try different things to see what helps her the best.

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answers from Minneapolis on

congrats on your pregnancy. I'm 26 weeks pregnant with my first and had horrible morning sickness for the first 3 1/2 months. Actually, it seemed more like all day sickness. I tried everything and got tons of outside advice from people on what to do/ try next. To be honest, nothing really seemed to work. I even got sick from the saltines sometimes. The thing that worked the best though was Ginger. Ginger cookies and Ginger candies. Ginger is a natural way to settle the stomache. They even make decaf Ginger tea which will be great to try since its starting to get cold out.Ginger Ale or room temp 7 up also helps. Good Luck!

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answers from Davenport on

Peppermint anything helped me as did just eating little snack like meals instead of bigger meals. Good luck!!!! And Congrats!!!!!!

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answers from Minneapolis on

It's different for everyone. Things that helped me: eating every hour or two, sour foods (lemon-aid, and vinegar based salads). 1/2 a unisom pill seemed to help me the most.

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answers from St. Louis on

There are these suckers out there called b-natal. I sucked on them whenever naseaus and it took away that going to get sick feeling. I swear by them. Good luck to you and congrats!

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answers from Rochester on

Last time I was pregnant I would suck on sour candy. Lemon drops and cherry sour balls worked well for me. I read that the brain can not deal with the sour sensation and the queasy feeling at the same time. It worked pretty well for me. I did not feel 100% better but at least I felt well enough to get work done.

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answers from St. Cloud on

Sea Bands! You can get them at the Wal-Mart or Target Pharmacy! Also, vitamin B6 and half a Unisom at bedtime.
The OBGyn should have a list of remedies to use.

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answers from Minneapolis on

You may have already heard this, (but I can't read through all 57 responses!)

I started taking my prenatal vitamins during the day, with food, rather than at night or in the morning.

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answers from Minneapolis on

11 years ago when I had really bad morning sickness, I would sip a flat, lukewarm Coke slowly all morning, and by 1:00 I'd be able to eat some real food.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Keeping something in your stomach will really help. I had crazy morning sickness and heartburn, and I tended to let it get ahead of me: I started feeling queasy, so I didn't want to eat, which made it worse. So nibbling even (or especially) when you don't want to is really helpful.

I also liked ginger (ginger tea, ginger ale, anything with ginger in it) to settle my stomach. Many people like the Preggo Pops or other hard (usually sour) candies. I never tried them but heard mixed reviews. And with #2 (but for some reason not so much with the other two) I really liked Sea Bands. I found them at the drugstore, and they're wristbands with a little plastic bump that's supposed to put pressure on a pressure point for nausea. Maybe it just helped that I felt like I was doing something, but I noticed a difference when I used them.

I hope it improves soon!

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answers from St. Cloud on

pregnancy tea is what saved me. yogi brand - you can buy it by the case at

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answers from Minneapolis on

I was really sick with both of my pregnancies. I found that sipping on a slimfast vanilla shake helped. I always felt a little silly drinking a diet drink but I figured it was better than nothing.

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answers from Appleton on

I think each person is different on what works.

For me, when pregnant with my 8 yr old, milk helped me out.. especially chocolate milk (it's thicker). I also remember eating oatmeal in the mornings too. When I was pregnant with my 3 yr old, I don't think I was as nauseous. I just was eating all the time! I do remember lots of ice cream though, but that wasn't the first three months... that was during the second and third trimester.

Both pregnancies I was never sick, just nauseous.

Good luck and congrats!

Wanted to add... my sister in law said that she smelled lemons and other citrus fruits. Some she didn't buy to eat, jut to cut it and smell. Seemed strange to me, but it worked for her.

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answers from Milwaukee on

I was terribly ill for a good portion of my pregnancy and I ate in the morning a piece of wheat toast with some crackers. If I kept that down then I would drink apple juice or water. I also did low fat vanilla yogurt with some fruit. Every woman is different when it comes to this. Just tell her to try simple things in small portions. try sucks but it helped me to be able to keep my breakfast down. I was also the queen of tums...I had the worst indegestion. They say it is a sign of a head full of hair...which my daughter came out with like 2" of. She kept it too. Might try going to and searching "ways to help morning sickness." Good luck and congratulations

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answers from Dallas on

Ginger!!! They make some teas and "Preggy Pops" have ginger in them too. You can buy them at Motherhood maternity. Don't let your tummy get empty either. I found small snacks through out the day helpful.

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answers from Minneapolis on

your dr can prescribe something.

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answers from Minneapolis on

I had terrible all-day sickness during my first trimester, and as weird as it sounds, if you can stomach some type of protein--it helps. Saltines and good-quality ginger ale or ginger tea also help. Make sure to eat little bits throughout the day to calm and keep your metabolism moving. In addition, taking unisom + vitamin B really helps. Good luck!

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answers from Sioux Falls on

Congrats on your pregnency! I know that your Dr. can give you a prescription for you upset tummy. There is also an over the counter morning sickness pill that you can find at you local pharmacy or big grocery store by the stomach medicines!'
Good luck!

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answers from Appleton on

Hi L W-first let me say how sorry I am for you...I'm 17 weeks along and just got over morning sickness...I had it all 4 times. When I was pregnant with #3 my bestfriend found me this stuff called morning sickness is awesome and the only thing that kept me from puking all day like I did the first 2 times. I find it at the lullabye shop in Appleton, WI but I'm sure you can find it on-line as well. It comes in a medicine form and a capsule..I've had both and recommend the capsule it is far-less gross. Hope this helps and good luck to you. BTW...this is all natural.

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answers from Milwaukee on

My DR. said it's important to eat the Saltines BEFORE getting out of bed. Any other food never helped me however. Good luck!

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answers from Minneapolis on

If your grocery store carries fresh ginger root, you can make a tea out of that and it's less expensive than buying tea.

I kept the crackers right by my bed. It was the first thing I'd eat in the morning before getting out of bed.

Also, I would have thick slices of cheese on my crackers before going to bed so my stomach would be a little less empty in the morning.

For later on in the pregnancy, put a 2"x4" board under the headboard of the bed to raise it up a little. This helped with the heartburn. I just had to add that, since it was one of the best tips I received!

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answers from Sioux City on

Lots and lots of water! The smell of ginger helps as well as fresh lemon scent. A study just came out recently that said morning sickness was a kind of natural warning to stay away from certain foods. Lots of vegetables and fruits made me feel the best. I would rarely eat red meat. Congratulations on the little one!!

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answers from Minneapolis on

I was sick for 20 weeks(week 7 until 27 weeks!) with both my pregnancies (but not with the one I lost - so I take it as a sign of a healthy pregnancy if you have morning sickness!) and it was all day/night nausea. I was better the second time, only because I was more prepared (and more willing to suffer through it, after losing the one). What helped me was to be snacking constantly. keeping your stomach full helps - I snacked on Cheerios or Fruit Loops a lot but anything you can "get down" with out "repercussions" works. Also, discontinue your prenatals and take a children's chewable vitamin 2 times a day plus folic acid if you can manage it. and suckers and hard candy are good to. A nurse explained it to me as having to do with your blood sugar levels and when they drop you get nauseous. She told me to eat half a bagel with peanut butter on top right away in the mornings (before getting out of bed, if you have a good hubby) because the protein helps keep blood sugar steady for a longer period of time, and it seemed to help me get the day started on the right note, most of the time.

Good Luck!

Oh and don't get frustrated if things "quit working" - I would think I had the nausea beat with something and then the next day it wouldn't work - so just keep trying different tricks and don't get frustrated because it's all for a good cause - eye on the "prize"! ;-)

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answers from Minneapolis on

I just finished dealing with this about 7 weeks ago. My doctor said to take B12 and B6 tablets 4 times a day with a small meal. It seemed to help. Ask your doctor about it and see what they say.

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answers from Minneapolis on

Ask your OB for a prescription for Zofran.

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answers from Milwaukee on

Another mother already suggested this BUT I am going to second it 'preggo pops.' They come in sucker or little hard candy form. I found them at Babies R Us and USA Baby. I had morning sickness all day every day through my WHOLE pregancy and 'preggo pops' were the only thing that worked for me! I have to mention that it did not take the morning sickness completely away but I was at least able to keep some food down.

Hope you find something that helps you!

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answers from Duluth on

I had terrible morning sickness with both my kids and here is what helped me...ginger ale, chamomile tea, eat smaller meals more often instead of 2 or 3 larger ones througout the day, if you have a tendency to get sick upon waking in the morning, keep some sort of hard candy by your bed and put a piece in your mouth before you sit up; it kind of helps with "that feeling" that your going to be sick in a minute....I did notice too if I got hungry my sickness felt worse, which was why i ate more often throughout the day. Also, I ate bland, corn flakes, plain tomato soup, and crackers or bread with plain tuna salad on them was pretty much it for the first 4 weeks, AFTER I found out I was pregnant, then I graduated to more flavor, etc...HOPE THIS HELPS....

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answers from Des Moines on

I found that peanut butter helped and is a good source of protein. I practically lived on it for a while.
working mom of 7yr old twins

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answers from Wausau on

I sipped very tart lemonade and sometimes ginger-ale (Vernor's...but i don't think you can get it in WI or MN). I could eat Windmill cookies too but i can't even get a whiff of those now without getting sick to my stomach...and it was 7 years ago that I ate them!

After I was able to actually leave my house for short periods of time I kept Smarties in my pocket to suck on. I was extrememly sick all day up until about 13 weeks. When I was pretty much bed ridden my husband would blend a Vanilla Ensure drink with frozen strawberries before he went to work. The extra boost of B vitamins helped for a little while with keeping the nausea down. He would make me another one when he got home so that i could try to eat a little bit of very bland foods. (you could also try just a 'b'vitamin supplement...I can't remember if it is B6 or B12...if the doctor ok's it. I was also trying to take that but i usually threw up the pill. This was also prescribed for my cousin during chemo to help with the nausea!) I hope the morning sickness isn't as bad as mine was.

Make sure to keep the saltines next to the bed and do not even sit up in the morning before eating a couple. It'll help a little.
Good luck. It's horrible to feel that crummy when you should be so happy.

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answers from Milwaukee on

Ginger! Sprinkle it on your food and also drink Ginger Tea. I'm 9 weeks pregnant and it's the only thing that has worked for me.

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answers from Appleton on

Ginger! I was so sick that I only was eating saltines and bananas. Then I heard of this stuff called "Baby Bliss Morning Sickness Magic". It is not so tasty going in but it works well! Good luck and feel better soon!

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answers from Duluth on

It sounds weird but the ONLY thing that worked for me was sucking on REAL lemon drops. I would suck on one as soon as I started feeling icky. Hope this helps!

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answers from Iowa City on

I had morning sickness from day 1 all the way to the day I delivered. Eat in small increments throughout the day. When you take your prenatal vitamins be sure to eat something with them. Heartburn was another factor. Now my little boy is 8 days old and I am thankful to say, "No more morning sickness and no more heartburn!" I was able to keep my morning sickness under control by not eating or drinking anything containing a lot of sugar. (Orange Juice in the morning is like eating a candy bar).
Good Luck
K. L

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answers from Minneapolis on

Usually morning sickness lasts through the first trimester, but of course this is different in everybody. If the morning sickness is really bad, try those bracelets that you can buy for sea sickness. It is like dramamine but without the medicine. Of course, sometimes, the only thing you can do is wait it out.

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answers from Omaha on

I feel your pain! I am also pregnant (about 14 weeks) and I have terrible morning sickness this time around. I get very dizzy and queasy. Saltines help as well as eating small meals every few hours. I also find that sweets kind of trigger my symptoms, so I tend to stay away from sugary things right now. My doctor prescribed the scopalamine patch. It goes behind your ear and you can wear it for three days. It is a patch normally used for people with motion sickness. It has been a life saver for me! I know others have used zofran too. They do not hurt the unborn child, but can help you function on a daily basis. Ask your doctor about possible options.


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answers from Appleton on

Bananas, believe it or not. It helps to keep blood sugar levels up which helps avoiding morning sickness... or all day sickness.

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answers from Lincoln on

One of the first things my OB did was take me off the prenatal vitamin - or try it at night before going to bed to see if that makes a difference. I also did the 1/2 Unisom, lemon drops, ginger, smaller meals...and i still puked up til my 6th month! There are still things 10 years later I cant eat w/o getting sick!Some people are just meant to have it - my older sister ended up w/ iv's for dehydration, my younger sister never got sick and could eat anyting under the sun!

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answers from Davenport on

There are some little candies out there ( you can get them at the Motherhood maternity stores) called preggo pops, they come in sour fruit flavors, among others, and do seem to quell the nausea. I have heard of some people wearing the motion sickness "bands" on their wrists, like you would if you were on a cruise ship, and having that work. The old standbys like saltines still work great - most any bland carbohydrates, paked potatos, crackers, plain cereal, and keeping a little bit of something in your tummy all day. GingerAle works for some, and some like tea. I lived on carbs and water for the first 3 months this time....didin't have morning sickness with my first baby!

Good Luck!


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answers from Wausau on

when I was having a little trouble my doctor suggested to suck on hard candies and they really worked. then of course there is the ginger ale which was also a life saver. just remember you can always opt for the sugar free kind so don't add any extra sugar to your diet.
Hope this was helpful

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answers from Duluth on

Ginger or mint are natural stomach soothers. A cup of peppermint tea always helped me.

Or lemon water with ginger root. & of course the old stand by of gingerale.

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answers from St. Cloud on

During my run of Morning Sickness i found the motion sickness wrist bands to work best! I found them in the pharmacy for travelers and you simply wear them on your wrists. They add a tad of pressure to a certain nerve to help stabilize it and decrease nausea. My friend swore by eating protein and cheeses before bed helped her but it really didn't do much for me, but could be worth a try for you! I finally resigned to just eating a nice cold popsicle each morning - the coolness relaxed my throat and when i did get sick, it wasn't dry heaves and - sorry to be graphic - tasted better! Good luck and congratulations! (ps just be careful not to dehydrate if you are getting sick a lot. I have 3 friends that all ended up getting i.v. fluids in the e.r during their prengnancies, so keep drinking lots of liquid!!!!)

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answers from Rochester on

i was told to try a cup of peppermint tea right before bed then right when you get up in the morning. i am also 8 weeks along.

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answers from Appleton on

My first pregnancy I had morning sickness bad. All day. This sounds really odd, but the only thing that would help it was greasy food. I ate a lot of french fries! I also ate a lot of dairy foods, cereal & milk, Ice cream...I would also try to eat later at night or right before I went to bed so I didn't wake up with a completely empty stomach.

I found with my second pregnancy I did not have morning sickness as bad, but I craved red meat and Potatoes (it was a boy- go figure). I found by eating lots of Apples and the meat and potatoes all day curbed the morning sickness the next day. My second pregnancy was definitely better overall - maybe had something to do with my diet??

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answers from Omaha on

I have a 13 month old. When I was pregnant my doctor prescribed me Phenergan and Reglan. They are 2 different nausea and vomiting medications you can take a few hours apart. They were a lifesaver for me!



answers from Springfield on

Keep yourself hydrated. Don't eat three big meals, instead, eat small meals many times a day. Drink "No to morning sickness tea". These things helped easing my nausea that was really horrible.

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