Potty Training - Boston,MA

Updated on January 22, 2010
M.R. asks from Boston, MA
5 answers

My 3 yaers old boys was completly potty training until his little brother came to the world. Lately he has been poping on his pants and peeing on the bed. I had tried to stay calm and don't make a deal of that, but I'm about to lose my cool. I don't know what to do.
He is going soon to daycare and I don't know if the teacher will be ok with that

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answers from Boston on


I'm sure your 3 year old feels slightly embarassed and frustrated but you're doing the right thing by keeping your cool. Trust me, he doesn't want to sit in dirtied clothes any more than you want to clean them.

I went through the exact same experience 10 months ago with my oldest when I had a new baby. My daughter had been trained without any accidents for nearly a year. With all the changes in our house after I brought her brother home, sometimes she'd make it to the potty and sometimes she'd have an accident. This lasted ~3 weeks and every time we reassured her that it was no big deal and happens to everyone at some point.

If your son was completely potty trained before, I really don't think the accidents will last. Right now, I'm sure he's confused and wants nothing more than to still be the only light of your life. Give him as much positive attention as possible and reassure him that you love him no matter what!

Stay strong!!! :)

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answers from Boston on

It is totally frustrating, but understandable when a "prince" is usurp by a new tiny one! As far as daycare, they are not allowed to discriminate against children who are still potty training in Massachusetts at least, so that should not be a problem. Best!

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answers from Boston on


I'll second everything that Andrea said. Potty training regression is frustrating, but completely normal. It often happens at three for boys, even if they have been completely trained. He may also be feeling a bit jealous of his new brother, and it is manifesting itself through his accidents.

Stay away from negative reinforcement if you can, and try to keep your cool. Taking away a favorite something for an accident could lead to anxiety and further regression, especially where your son is already experiencing some stress because of the changes in your family. Try spending some special alone time with your older son doing something he loves, and give him lots of cuddles. Help him do something that make him feel "big."

Good luck! You are doing a great job!

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answers from Houston on

I have so been there. Does he have somthing that he really likes like his blanket or maybe a favorite toy. This is what I did with my son when my baby was born. I told him you are way to big for mama to be changing you like you are a baby, look at how little your brother is and then look at how big you are. He kind of gave me a look, but I told him that if he did not start using the potty then I was going to take away his baby blanket. That got the motor rolling for him, but I had to be persistent. I kept him in underwear all day no pull ups waste of money. I also put his little potty in his room where he spent most of his time that way if he did have to go it was closer. I also asked him about ever ten minutes if he had to go and I would still make him sit down for about 3 minutes just to be sure. Patience is key, and I have very little of that, so for me to be able to do it I know anyone can. Accidents will still happen so dont get discuraged. That night I put a pamper on him and he woke up dry, the next day i did the same routine, next night pamper, next day same thing next night underwear and never wet the bed once. Good luck and remember just be patient, it will happen.



answers from Boston on

Argh I don't look forward to potty training for that very reason. I'm due with my second child and my son will be turning 3 at the same time. I'm not sure what to do to help other then provide him with extra praise and attention. It's tough to become a big brother after being number 1 for so long. I also wanted to add that if you are in MA it is illegeal to not take a child for not being potty trained. They try to say stuff about it, but they are not allowed to discriminate because children develop at different rates.

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