Nyc/brooklyn with a 22 Month Old

Updated on October 13, 2010
L.R. asks from Irvine, CA
11 answers

Hi Mommas,

My brother lives in Brooklyn & we will be going out to visit him for the Christmas holiday. Our son will be 22 months & I'm looking for suggestions on places to go or things to do that would be age-appropriate for our son. We live in Southern California & usually have good weather so there are always a lot of places to go for him to burn some energy. I'm anticipating snow & cold for our trip to NYC so I'm trying to plan in advance of places we can go or things we can do with a toddler.

Thanks in advance!

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answers from New York on

If you're going to have a car, I would recommend going to Staten Island to the Staten Island Children's Museum. It's a great museum, all indoors and worth the trip! Have fun!

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answers from New York on

Museum of Natural History. My daughter and son loved it. All about dinosaurs etc..Empire State Building. There are many parks to see also. No guarantee the weather will be bad. It's been quite good the past few years. Even if it's cold, just put warm clothing, socks. Enjoy the city!



answers from New York on

Look at the Children's Museum in Brooklyn (not a museum, but a hands on place). Call them and ask for a list of other places. Find the local library for story hour times. Make sure the stroller has a rain/wind guard so you can go for fast walks and he'll stay warm enough. Have fun!


answers from New York on

ask your brother about Dyker Lights!



answers from New York on

The Childrens Museum in Brooklyn is really cute and there's also a nice aquarium in Coney Island



answers from New York on

You should google what to do in Brooklyn. There are plentry of indoor places...and I think a science museum and kids museum that would be fun.
Along with playing in the snow....



answers from New York on


I'd go to the Time Out New York website. They will have a kids sections.

There are lots of great museums in NYC - I'd definitely go to the the Museum of Natural History and check out the dinosuaurs. He'll like the windows on 5th avenue and the tree in Rockerfeller Center.

The Bronx Zoo and the Bronx Botanical Gardens both have outdoor Christmas shows. Go to the Empire State Building and the Top of the Rock. Also the Radio City Christmas Show is awesome.

There is SO MUCH! Enjoy your trip. Oh, and be sure he has some good winter/waterproof boots. It can get sloppy in NYC if it snows. But the good thing is that Manhattan doesn't get as much hard core snow as other parts of NY since the concrete and buildings retain so much heat.



answers from Chicago on

Hi, Brooklyn's Children's Museum is a must. My friend takes her grand daughter there all the time. He will LOVE it. Then you can take him into Manhattan if you want to see the tree - try a Thursday afternoon maybe it might be less busy. And there's the Prospect Park Zoo - also right in Brooklyn. Google them for addresses. Have fun and Merry Christmas!



answers from New York on

At that age, besides the suggestions that have already been posted, any kid will be psyched to look at the big buildings in Manhattan, maybe go up to the Top of the Rock and look out, or just stroll through Central Park and look at the horses that give carriage rides. I don't think you really have to plan a whole bunch of stuff. Oh, actually, check out the Rockefeller Christmas tree, which is pretty awesome in person, and the windows at Saks on 5th Ave. Just being there, around all of the peeople and holiday decorations will be very stimulating.



answers from New York on

So much to do, but since you are in Brooklyn, you should visit the Brooklyn's Children Museum and the NY Aquarium in Coney Island. Our son in 23 months and we have taken him to the Aquarium many times.



answers from Albany on

1. I suggest doing "some" cold weather stuff w/him. almost 2yo is big enough to do gentle sledding, walking in snow, making snowpeople, angels, etc. Ask around for a 2yo snowsuit, extra mittens, etc now, so that you will be ready when you get there. If you don't have friends who might have those, ask your brother to ask around for you, so that you can have them there when you arrive. I think once a day or so is plenty for someone that age.

2. Children's museum of Manhattan (CMOM) is wonderful and can take hours and hours! Pair it up w/a visit to a local restaurant and that's a whole day out! It's easy to get to.

3. CMANY is also a lot of fun! Again, pair it with maybe one other activity for the day. Overdoing it is what causes those meltdowns 2yo's are famous for! Just a bit at a time, and you'll be fine.

4. This is a great time for your brother to invest in a long term gift for his nephew. A big box of duplos (BIG box), or wooden blocks (which are often on craigslist) would be a good way to keep him busy. Also, investing in some used baby books would be helpful. You can't be expected to bring entertainment for him, but you can't be out w/him all the time either! It's fine to rely on the pots and pans for some of his pleasure time around the house, but it would be good to get him a few good toys that will hold his imagination for periods at a time. You will, of course, have at least 3 adults to help care for him, which is amazing!

5. The NY aquarium is fun too - you will need to bundle, and have a stroller, as the exhibits are not all in one building, but they are captivating, and you are in a neat part of the city down there. :D

6. The Bronx Zoo is also a place that is developmentally appropriate, but will probably need layering/bundling and stroller. LOTS of people do these kinds of activities w/kids in the winter, so don't think it's weird to be outside just because it's cold!

7. This website has a bunch of places that are not commitment memberships, just drop-ins.

8. Every Barns'n'Noble (and most Boarders) have a children's area that is fun and very friendly. Some have train tables and Starbucks - good for a couple hrs., at least! Given that you, your brother, and your partner can swap off the babe, you should each be able to have some time to browse and some time to bond w/the boykie.

9. If there isn't a ton of snow on the ground, or it isn't freeeeezing cold (less than 20F), take him to Prospect park! There are tons of playgrounds, green space, etc., If you go to the Park Slope end, down on 7th Ave (I think) there are toy shops, an amazing tacqueria, and lots of interesting people. There's a street fair (you know, the junky kind) every weekend, too. Very stimulating!

10. There's lots more on google, I tried Brooklyn indoor playspace toddler and got a lot of hits. Have a great vacation!

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