Need Potty Help!

Updated on November 05, 2008
B.S. asks from Tucson, AZ
10 answers

My son is 2 and a half and has been peeing on the potty since June with only occassional accidents. However, he will NOT have bowel movements on the potty-always goes in his underwear or pullup. Now he holds it all day at school (he doesn't want to have an accident at school) but when we get home he goes in his pants within a few minutes of walking in the door. I have tried to have him sit on the potty right when we come it-and now he'll actually sit there but he still won't let it come out-then he'll get off and go in his pants. I've tried talking to him about it, not talking about it, using reward/incentives, tried using the big potty, little potty...I just don't know how to help him make the transition to going on the potty. He is very aware of when he has to go-but maybe he just needs more time...I know a lot of kids have hang ups about pooping on the potty-Just wondering if any of you moms have some advice from your past experiences..... thanks in advance!

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answers from Tucson on

Ok- I hope that everything goes well- for you AND fo5r me. I am actually having a very similar problem- my daughter goes pee ONLY on the potty, but will hold her BM's andf does not like going in the diaper OR on the potty. She will cry, and do what I call the pooo pooo dance until she finally starts going and MAY sit on the potty, or may just scream and cry. She will not sit on the potty, and yesterday I tried the diaper and she would beg to have it changed when it was halfway done. Today I put her potty in front of the TV and am trying candy reward- with no luck yet! I decided however to try not to show her I am upset about it- I think that makes it worse.

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answers from Phoenix on

Hi B., I heard an idea recently that I would not have thought of myself and that was to cut a hole in his pull-ups/diapers and have him sit on the potty with it on when he has to or starts to go. I haven't had to try it myself, but it worked for someone. Maybe doing that the first few times would get him comfortable in going on the potty. Ah, the joys of potty training. Good luck!!



answers from Phoenix on

B., we did not have this issue with either of our two. But I was talking to friends recently, and her husband read a potty training book and decided to implement it. They said that it worked!

What they did was dedicate a whole weekend to being at home with their son "Kyle". They planned craft activities, playing outside etc. Being home they did not have him put on trainers (that is what we call underwear) or a pull-up. When he had to go pee he did, but when he had to poop he freaked out initially. But the conviction of going poop outside or in the house somewhere was too great. By the end of the weekend he was using the potty!

So let your son go comando for a couple of days and see what happens!



answers from Albuquerque on

My son is 5 and we are still having issues with his pooping. It is a lot better than when he was at two but he still has an aversion to pooping on the potty.

A friend of mine told me that she has made a routine out of it: she started by giving him a lot more water to drink. Part of his problem was that he was dehydrated (I think this is an issue with my son too) and when he gets home from pre-school he plays while she makes lunch and eventually he poops.

TMI? Hope this helps.



answers from Phoenix on

What got my son going poop in the potty was 1. wearing underwear all the time, no pull-ups and 2. I watched him very carefully and saw when he was starting to go (he tended to be pretty obvious about it. Then I quickly got him to the bathroom and got him up on the toilet in time for his business to just fall in (and it was just about as gross as it sounds!) =). Then we made a big deal out of it and it was no problem after that. For some reason pooping on the potty is scary for these little guys. But he'll get it. Just hang in there!



answers from Yuma on

I got soooo tired of the pullup messes, so I told him that I would buy him WHATEVER underwear he wanted (he loved Nemo at that point) with the understanding that if he soiled them we would have to throw them out unless, of course, he made a good effort to get to the potty. The hardest part of that was following through because it did break his heart to lose them. He really didn't want to throw away Nemo so he worked at not having accidents and he loved it when he got to the potty in time because we would cheer that he got to keep his awesome underpants.

When he hadn't gone in awhile and I thought he may have an accident, I would sit him on the potty and we would read his favorite book about 3 million times until he would poop (didn't always work, but had lots of success with it).

I remember thinking that my son would NEVER potty train completely, but right about that time...tada! It happened. Good Luck!



answers from Phoenix on

Can't help you with that ease you a is normal for kids NOT to go poo at school, EVER. And yes, even as teenagers,come home,unwind and sit and poo. Puzzles, silly books, tic tac toe...those are things that are kept by the toilet/potty because it takes a while to relax and poo without the stress about it they seem to have.

It may help to visit with him at school (a couple of minutes early at the end of his day) and not rush home. Stay there a bit, have him show you his favorite thing that day in school, artwork, whatever...and show you the bathroom again there, and how the sink works...where the paper towels are.... you get the idea, stall and relax him. maybe try 1 new book (spot,elmo,pokemon, or whatever) that is used for reading on the toilet only. Pull that book out of your bag and ask if he'd like to look at it on the potty.
if very bathroom at home can have it's own special book he may want to spend more time on the potty.



answers from Phoenix on

Wish I had some answers. Am actually writing to tell you I am having exact same problem with my daughter who just turned 3 and has otherwise been potty trained for quite a while. She will curl up in a corner and push and refuse to get on the potty even though she's gone on the potty before and gotten lots of praise and even rewards. If you find something that works, please pass on the advice. My current strategy that started 2 days ago is that she is going to school in January (somehting she really wants to do) and telling her that she has to go onthe potty to be able to go to school. Will let you know if it works!



answers from Phoenix on

My son had the same problem with holding it in and only going in his pants. So I started having him go around the house with no underwear. When they wear underwear they feel like they have something to pee or poop in. But when the underwear isn't there, that security is gone. When I took the underwear away, my son had one poop accident on the floor, and after that he decided that he would rather poop in the toilet than the floor. There were times that he would just hold it in, but he soon became comfortable going in the toilet. If he does have accidents on the floor, just calmly talk about how we don't poop on the floor, we only poop in the toilet. My son was quick to agree with me on that one. He didn't like pooping on the floor. Good luck!




answers from Flagstaff on

I think for some kids(and this may sound weird), it's a separation issue. They have a hard time parting with a part of their bodies. I would try taking the poop out of his pull up after he goes, and flush it with him. You could have a little 'goodbye ceremony' to make it fun. Maybe make Some sort of construction paper 'memorial' to tape up in the bathroom after he poops in the potty. Good luck!
S. H.

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