Facebook Question - Flower Mound,TX

Updated on June 15, 2014
M.G. asks from Flower Mound, TX
9 answers

Hello moms! Does anyone know how I can block someone from seeing all of my posts? I would rather not unfriend or block her, to avoid causing drama. Thanks!

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answers from Atlanta on

and **THIS** is why i don't do or have a facebook account.

My son and husband have one each. But this? If you don't want her to see stuff, just unfriend her.

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answers from Dallas on

There is a Restricted List you can place them in - all they can see are your likes. They cannot see what you post. It's very limited as to what they can see on your page.

Go to the person's FB page and move over the 'Friends' tab - a drop down box will appear and go to the Add to Another List... - another drop down box then click on Restricted.

I changed my husband's setting just to see what it looked like - if you can do that, you can see exactly what they will see.

Hope this helps!

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answers from Cleveland on

Hiding someone as OnePerfectOne suggested does not prevent them from seeing what you post. It prevents their posts from showing in your newsfeed.

You can do as Momma11 suggested.

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answers from Los Angeles on

To hide someone from your news feed on Facebook:

Log in to your Facebook account from your computer.
Use the search bar to find the person you want to hide from your news feed, and go to their profile page.
Toward the top right side of their profile page, hover your mouse over the button that says ‘Friends‘, and you’ll see a menu appear.
From this menu, click on where it says ‘Show in News Feed‘. You will see the check mark go away once you’ve clicked.

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answers from Modesto on

Put them on the restricted list as suggested.

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answers from Washington DC on

ETA: Yes, if you do as OnePerfectOne states - the only thing you will accomplish is NOT SEEING HER STUFF...


There are many things you can do. If you don't want her to see your posts, why do you have her as a friend? It's drama enough "worrying" whether or not she'll see it...you have common friends, right? If so - they you will to deal with whether or not they talk about it. Just unfriend her.

If you don't want her to see CERTAIN posts?

When posting and you don't want this person to see the particular post? You use the "down" arrow in the top right corner of the post. Click on that, it will give you a drop down menu, you then select who CANNOT see the post.


You can go to the person's page/wall that you don't want her to see, click on "friends" a drop down menu will come up with a set of "lists" or friends categories...under "add to another list" is one called "restricted". It is at the bottom of the list. If you select this - an icon or message box will open up and tell you that this person will not be able to see anything you post.

Now keep in mind, if you do that? The person - IF they go to your wall at all - will see the difference...again DRAMA....best way to avoid drama?

UNFRIEND HER. If you are REALLY that unhappy with her - BLOCK HER.
All this other stuff you want to do? Causes more drama in my book. Just unfriend her. It's really that easy.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Restricted list
That is is automatically controlled by FB and friends on it can only see things that the general public can see.

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answers from Anchorage on

next time you post something click on the link for who can see it and add her as and exception, and then she will remain and exception until you remove her.

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answers from Houston on

All of my friends know that I only FB friends for a limited time. After that, i just send PMs to them.

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