Diaper Bag Recommendations

Updated on January 26, 2008
S.O. asks from Champaign, IL
31 answers

I currently have a 9*10*6 diaper bag that is TOO SMALL. I have gone through two larger, hospital diaper bags in under 2 years. I am looking for a larger, quality bag that will last a 3-4 years.

Please only recommend a bag you used daily or almost daily for years and mention any issues you had with it. I'm also open to warnings against a bag you had issues with. Thanks!!

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answers from St. Louis on

I use the Land's End backpack. It is a little more expensive than most, but it holds everything. And I like that I can put it on my back and have both hands free.



answers from Kansas City on

The large Kate Spade diaper bag (black, with a zipper to close) lasted me through 3 kids with no problems. In fact, it's still in good shape and you could have mine for free if you want it!



answers from Springfield on

I have used a Lands End large sized diper bag for five years now. It came with a changing pad and has three inner compartments with lots of pockets. It has held up incredibly and looks nice too. Three kids later, we still use it occasionally and it is still nice. I think you can order them online at Lands End.
Good Luck!
L. C. in MO

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answers from Oklahoma City on

I almost never use a "diaper bag". I have several tote bags that I rotate. My favorite one is blue leather with fabric lining. I'm also a fan of canvas or cotton ones that can be thrown in the wash as spills/leaks are inevitable. Just look outside the box when it comes to diaper bags, any old bag will work!



answers from St. Louis on

I have a Kathy Van Zeeland diaper bag. Its two years old and still looks new. It looks like a big black purse thats 17" x 6" 1/2 x 10" 1/2. Babies R Us use to sell them but you can also find them at www.kathyvanzeeland.com under accessories/babybags.



answers from Topeka on

I got a bag from one of my girlfriends and it wasn't small but it wasn't big either. it was a diaper bag that looked like a book bag. but lasted a lot longer and it was able to be rolled up. it has a place to put everything. binkis, diapers. clippers and the measuring things for meds. i think she got it from sears. i got rid of it after we had our last daughter and didn't need one any more. that thing could even hold a change of clothes for the baby and an extra shirt for me.



answers from St. Louis on

Hi S.!

Having raised three kids, I higly recommend just using a good ole backpack that has side pockets for bottles/drinks. This way you can slip it onto your back when your hands are full with other stuff. Diaper bags are overrated and sometimes very expensive! Backpacks do the job well because they have various compartments for things: big compartment for diapers, extra clothes, wipes, etc; smaller compartment for food/snacks; and even another compartment for your wallet, etc.

They are great and usually a lot cheaper than diaper bags! Keep it simple!
Good Luck!



answers from St. Louis on

I have a Le Fleurville diaper bag that i love. I have used it everyday for 1 1/2 years and it still looks great. I have not had any problems with it and i would consider my self "hard" on the bag. They cost around $150 but i think they are totally worth it because it lasts. Thay have a website where you can check out all the colors and styles that they offer. Hope this helps.



answers from Springfield on

I just received the most incredible diaper bag from my mom. It's completely multi functional for both you and baby and can be used for years to come. It is pricey, but has a life-time guarantee and can be used for several years to come. It is from the Coach store. They have 2 styles and I have both (one I use for a computer bag). One is a messenger type bag, which I, personally wouldn't like. The other one is just a big bag with 2 straps that zips. It is made from a micro material that wipes off really well. Inside is a slick material that wipes out nicely as well. On the outside there is one big pocket that wraps around the end from side to side and on the inside there are several different compartments for all of your carryings! It also comes with a changing pad to leave in there. It's beautiful and so nice. Not flashy at all. In fact it's just black. I highly recommend it to all mom's!



answers from Lawton on

Have you tried using a "not" diaper bag? We currently use a kid sized backpack for our 8 month old and it works so much better than the diaper bag we used at first. We can fit what we need and it's not stuffed. We put what we can in ziplocs to help organize. Her medicines are kept in a small makeup bag. The front pocket holds her bottles. This might not work for you since you have two, but maybe you could find a tote bag or larger backpack. They are usually more durable material and can be "thrown" around.



answers from Kansas City on

I would highly recommend Lands' End the "Do-it-All" diaper bag. I had another version of their diaper bag with my daughter who is now seven - I used it with her sister who is now 4 1/2 and we are STILL using it for overnight trips and as an extra tote on vacation. I LOVE it!! It is not the most trendy looking bag but Lands' End thought of everything that a mom needs when making their diaper bag and also made it the most durable bag I've ever seen. Great price also!!



answers from Kansas City on

Hi S.,

I have the Skip Hop Dash diaper bag, and I love it! My sister got it for me as a gift when my 3rd child was born because the diaper bags I had used for the other 2 were worn out. This one is amazing! And it looks cute, too. They have all different designs and "models" to choose from. I do believe they all have the strap that turns into special stroller straps so the bag doesn't hang down by your feet. What a great feature! My bag was $50.00, and well worth it. There are several different sites that sell it, but you just have to find the one that is the cheapest, because there are some out there that will sell it for $65-$70 bucks...because they can!

Good Luck!



answers from Kansas City on

I have a 15,11, and 3 1/2 year old boys, I had all the cutesie bags that fall apart before your eyes, The best bag I have had with my last baby is a back pack. You choose your size and color, most have great pockets and they are made to hold weight and they are easy to carry on your back, shoulder or hook to the stroller. An added benefit, Dads like them better. T.



answers from St. Louis on

I am a mom of a 4yr,3yr and 1yr old and I love my Vera Bradley diaper bag. It has pockets inside and outside and is very spacious. Before I had my 3rd child, I actually downsized because I didn't need such a big bag. Then once I had her, I used it again. Because it is quilted material, it does get a little worn on the corners, but has held up very well. They are a little expensive (about $80), but I figure you carry it everywhere so you want to have something cute! Hope this info helps.



answers from St. Louis on

I have a Skip*Hop diaper bag and LOVE it, I've had it for 2 years and its been very durable. It has lots of pockets, a cell phone holder on the side, and a mesh drink holder too, a key holder, etc. One of my fav features is the strap converts to a stroller bag. And it comes in a ton of colors/designs and fabrics.

Good luck!



answers from Springfield on

I actually used a small gym bag I purchased at Walmart in the luggage department and I still use it.



answers from St. Louis on

The best "diaper" bag we had was a back pack from Pottery Barn Kids with our last name monogramed on it. We got the matching lunch box that clips onto the front for bottles, ect. It is durable, washable and reuseable for years. My husband was not embarrassed to carry it and when it outgrew its "diaper" duty we bring it to the zoo, park, soccer games, on overnights, and just generally everywhere. It has really held up the test of time and it has lots of storage. I highly reccomend this and often give them as shower gifts.



answers from Kansas City on

My best friend has the "Mothership" diaper bag from Fleurville. It's pricey, but she says its the best investment she's ever made! She takes it everywhere and it holds a ton of stuff! It's very large and comes in lots of cute colors and prints. www.fleurville.com
Also, look on e-bags.com They have lots of diaper bags to choose from too.

I just use a large purse. My daugher is 14 months so usually all I need when we go out is a diaper and some wipes and a small snack along with my wallet and cell phone. Luckily that stuff doesn't take up too much room anymore.



answers from St. Louis on

I had several too - then decided to finally break down and get the Eddie Bauer one I wanted in the first place! It was awesome and so good infact, I have loaned it out and they are very pleased with it too! You can get them at Target, Shopko and Babies R Us. Probably other places too! Good size, good compartments and still looks BRAND NEW!



answers from Tulsa on

I highly recommend the Baby Bjorn black backpack. I have had mine through 2 girls and still carry it on the airplane when we travel and the girls are 3 and 5. Good luck.



answers from Kansas City on

Check out Diaperdude.com. My husband wanted a "neutral" looking bag if he was carrying it as well, so we opted for plain black. We've had it over three years and only now is it really beginning to show wear. It looks fine on the outside but the lining is starting to go. It has been used every single day since Dec.'04. Hope you find something that works for you!



answers from Tulsa on

I had the same problem with my 2 girls. I finally went to Walmart & bought a Protege luggage carry on bag. It is an earthtone print pattern with inside zip pocket & 2 outside drink holders. It has been wonderful & has held up perfectly. After a couple years, it still looks great except for a few stains inside on the lining. I just use it occassionally now, but it will be great for future travel & I only paid $27. for it. Also, I received constant compliments on it from other moms.



answers from Springfield on

I still have a Kenneth Cole diaper bag that I got when my daughter was born. The thing has held up amazigly well! It is made out of black microfiber/vinyl type material. Has lots of compartments and looks stylish enough to carry without looking like a pink polka dotted diaper bag. A girlfriend of mine got a Kate Spade diaper bag, she loves it! I know that would be pricy, but if its in your range they are gorgeous colors and are just amazing!



answers from Oklahoma City on

I run & buy for a gift shop which carries a number of different types of diaper bags. I would recommend that you look away from a traditional bag if you are wanting to carry it 3-4 years. I suggest a leather bag from Brighton or a luggage-style tote from Samsonite. These type fabrics will give you the longevity you are seeking. Keep in mind, though, that with stronger construction comes a much heavier bag ... before you fill it!

Good luck!



answers from Springfield on

I have one that I have used for 41/2 years now. It is a Graco. The front has an open plastic pocket, then there is a "Mommy Pocket" with a mirror, slots for credit cards, zippered pocket for change, clip for your keys, basically anything important from your purse will fit in there! Then there is a diaper changing pocket, it came with a vinyl pad to lay over public changing tables, an elastic band to hold the travel-sized wipe box (so it doesn't get lost) and a vinyl pocket for 4-5 diapers. There are small elasic loops where I put a diaper duck, desitin, etc. In the main open compartment there is a vinyl pouch that is for soiled clothes, and several more pockets. It is plenty big enough for a formula can, 2-3 changes of clothes, a blanket,jars of baby food, and a few toys. There is another slim pocket on the backside where i usually stick a book or two or any important papers I may accumulate throughout the day. On either side of the bag are two tall pockets the perfect size for bottles. It was not a cheap bag - around $40 or so, but it has lasted through 2 boys so far, and has no rips or tears. I would HIGHLY recommend it!!!



answers from Springfield on

I LOVE my fleurville tote. It is not TOO huge, it has adorable multi colored stripes and it has a pouch for all my stuff and room in the center for the essentials...but not so much room that you end up carrying extra junk you don't need. This is about my 5th purchased diaper bag between my 4 children (13, 10, 4, 1), and it is my favorite! I noticed someone else mentioned the Mothership bag...it was just a bit too big for my taste. The tote snaps onto the stroller so it is always handy. It comes in many colors...and I live by the rule that the bag is for the mom...not the baby...so I got it in something I like. I also got the really small diaper tote that has a pouch for a couple of diapers, a pouch for the wipes case (included) and zipper pouches for essentials, a phone pouch and a changing pad. It is about twice the width of a small wipes case and the same length as the case. It is great for a quick trip into a store...I actually use it instead of a purse! I got all of the items off of ebay (new) becuase I found exactly what I wanted and saved about $20. Good luck...I love shopping for diaper bags!



answers from Kansas City on

My absolute favorite diaper bag I found at USA Baby. It was pricey, but totally worth it!! It is Ju-Ju-Be. It is made or has a coating of teflon on the inside - so no matter how many spills you get inside, it won't stain!! You can adjust to a backpack or regular bag...with adjustable straps. It has a wide opening, plus 2 great pockets on the front, and "sippy" cup pockets on each side. It fits everything, but doesn't feel huge! seriously, it's the best! The only downfall is that it is pricey - but will lsst you for years! you might be able to find one on the internet cheaper? Oneohter good one that I would recommend is the SkipHop bag. Both of these bags come in cute and fun colors/prints. The JuJuBe was the last diaper bag I owned & I think I tried them all! good luck!



answers from Peoria on

I have something called the Storksak Emily Diaper Bag. It's pricey, but it looks like a regular purse and I have room for my own stuff, plus room for two kids who are in diapers.



answers from Decatur on

We had an eddie bauer diaper bag. It had two large compartments with side pockets as well. We used it exclusively until through two girls until the strap pulled loose. We were at a point that we didn't need to carry diapers and food and drinks for two so we downsized to a smaller diaperbag which we use now to take with us. I think it might be a smaller Eddie bauer. The bigger one we had would pretty much carry all the diapers we needed for several days and you could pack some treats and juices on top. It was big though and took up a fair amount of space. I was glad not to need it any more.



answers from Springfield on

I am at a loss trying to understand why you would need a diaperbag for another 3 to 4 years. At this age I would start buying little backpacks for them to carry and then a diaper bag. This way they start to show a little responsibility for themselves and it helps them to learn some independence. They have some really cute little bags and you can find some that they can hold diapers if they are still in diapers in and all you would have to carry is what ever is needed for them.

They should be at the age they should be potty training or past that age. A good sports bag is better than any diaper bag I ever saw and more durable. If you have children like mine you need to carry alot of different things But I had 2 - 11 months apart.

I hope this helped you out and you can find a good bad in the sporting good section...




answers from Kansas City on

http://www.imagineaccessories.com/ look under the totebags section. This is what I give as gifts for diaper bags, they have a lot of room and are fun too!

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