Dental Work While Pregnant - Bellefontaine,OH

Updated on November 16, 2011
M.H. asks from Lima, OH
7 answers

Hello everyone. I am currently 8 weeks pregnant, but about 3 weeks ago, I had a back tooth that abcessed which means it was pretty much infected and the WORST pain EVER. Anyhow, I scheduled a dentist appointment & went this morning & the dentist told me they like to wait til you are at least 3 months he called my doctor to see what my doctor would say & he told the dentist the infection needed to be out NOW in order for the baby to be healthy so the dentist pulled TWO of my back teeth that he said were infected. My question is, has anyone ever had this done while pregnant? And is my baby going to have problems from this?? I'm freaking out now & I'm so worried. I really had no other choice other than to get them pulled due to the severity of the pain I was having. Any answers at all will be appreciated. Thank you :)

*************Also, I DID have an xray done as well & I'm worried about that too!!!

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answers from Dallas on

You'll be fine. The infection was more of a danger than the Novocaine and pain meds. The baby shouldn't have any problems. It was good of your dentist to check with your doctor before doing anything. My OB/GYN was a huge advocate of going to the dentist and the optometrist while pregnant. The healthier the momma, the healthier the baby!

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answers from Chicago on

You and baby will be fine.
The doctor didn't want to let the infection spread in your body. If that were the case, they'd have to prescribe antobiotics, many of which can case birth defects.
So it was all preventative.

I'm guessing the dentist didn't want to do it becuase pregnancy can cause you to bleed more with elevated hormone levels, as well as a lot more sensitivity.

You'll be fine now that they're out!

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answers from Minneapolis on

Oh far worse has been done on pregnant infection is very, very bad to get while pregnant so the best thing was you NEED to stop worrying about something that has already been done.

An x-ray of your head...not your belly. No worries! Seriously don't sweat the little things!

I went the first 3 mo of my last pregnancies without eating hardly anything and lived off of IV fluids. I seriously couldn't eat. And my little one is 18m and thriving! Women go through surgery while pregnant and have happy healthy babies!

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answers from Lansing on

I had to have dental work done while pregnant and everything turned out fine! It will be ok, your a good and responsible M. for worrying, but too much of that is no good for you either!!

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answers from Hartford on

Your doctors consulted with each other and worked together. They wouldn't have done the surgery if the risk were greater than the benefits. You have no reason to "freak out." Your baby will only have problems if you don't watch your stress and anxiety levels in order to keep your blood pressure down.

Women get dental procedures done while pregnant all the time. Please try not to worry. You did the right thing.

EDIT: The X-Ray would have been on your mouth, not your belly, and your entire midsection would have been covered by a lead blanket to protect you and the baby. They do that even when you're not pregnant. You HAVE to stop worrying about this. It's not productive worrying. If you're this anxious over something this minor and the baby isn't even here yet how are you going to handle truly serious situations when the baby comes?

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answers from Cleveland on

been said, there is some risk early on of dental work because the medications do cross over, I had to get a filling and they waited till my second trimester, but i got a cleaning during the first trimester, but without x-rays. i'm due in Feb and everything looks good. The infection could have also spread to the baby and likely would have been much much worse. While not related to dental work i was on a number of medications that they say to avoid during my pregnancy with my one year old and with this baby, and again I know my one year old is fine and so far this baby seems perfect as well. Good luck



answers from Pittsburgh on

I think Lidocaine crosses the placenta....but it was probably done to reduce the risk of infection spreading through your body. Your dentist consulted your OB and that's GREAT! Good luck! Congrats!

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