8 1/2 Month Old Questions (Feeding, Crawling, Ect.)

Updated on February 12, 2008
T.B. asks from Fresno, CA
4 answers

My Daughter is 8 1/2 months old. She's a chubby happy little girl.

She scoots back and rolls over. She sits alone pretty good. No crawling or standing without assistance...Is that bad?

She's still on 2nd foods, when did you start 3rds?

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So What Happened?

thanks for the advice. I'm taking her to her doctor tomorrow for her 9 month check up & shots. :( I hate shots. :( I make my poor husband stay in here with her alone. I hide in the waiting room. What a coward I am, but it's better for everyone involved (especially the nurse holding the needle) if I'm nowhere near when the shots are given. I can see myself grabbing my little girl and running out the door if I hear her cry. lol

Anyhow, back to the subject. She does try to talk all the time. She calls everyone daddy. Of couse she probably doesnt know what she's saying, but we can dream. She loves to play "where's the baby? There's the baby". Her dad started that instead of Peak a Boo. She gets sooo excited when she hears it.

I had her on her tummy yesterday and she rolled over to her side, then sat up all alone. I was so excited. but then she crashed landed a few minutes later. :( She loves to walk around with us holding her hands. Maybe she will be one of those who doesn't crawl.

She has 4 teeth, two on top & two on bottom...she's sticking her fingers on the sides of them now. Probably teething there too. She loves to test her teeth while nursing. Ohhhh the pain. I'm contimplating putting her on formula. I just can't bring myself to doing it. She really loves to nurse & it's the only time of the day or night that I can just relax & get away with it.

Sorry to babble guys. Thanks again for the advice. I love mamasource.

More Answers



answers from Sacramento on

i had a rolly polly baby with my first, he never crawled... hated to be on his stomach. went straight to walking... they all grow and learn different. no two babies are the same. :)

i always went by what was on the jar.. but if a jar of seconds is not enough, the 3rds are heartier and larger. go by her needs. she may not like the texture. so only buy a couple of jars.. and see how she does.



answers from San Francisco on

I have a 9 1/2m and he is a very chubby happy baby as well (97%). He just started crawling a week ago and is now wanting to pull himself up. I wouldn't worry if she isn't crawling as she will do it when she is developmentally ready. As for the food my son is still on 1 and 2 foods. I started some 3 foods a few weeks ago with finger foods. Does she have any teeth? Mine has 6 so I felt comfortable with giving him more texture. Go with your gut....it is most likely right!



answers from Fresno on

My daughter started crawling at about 9 months, and sat unassisted by 7 months. My daughter is also a chubby happy girl. She is now 11 months and cruising along furniture and walking by pushing toys, but not walking by herself yet. I started 3rd foods at about 8 months and also Cheerios and Puffs were daily snacks. My doctor told me that at 9 months most people don't use baby food anymore, because its cheaper to have them eat regular food. I just recently stopped giving my daughter baby food, because baby food seemed more convenient and you knew exactly howe much they are getting. My daughter eats whatever we eat now, but just in smaller pieces. I think whatever you want to do is fine.



answers from San Francisco on

Hi T.,

My daughter just turned 9 months old yesterday, and I have had the same exact questions and concerns for her. Like your daughter (while on her stomach) she ends up pushing herself and sliding back on her tummy, and rolls EVERYwhere. She even flips while trying to change her diaper. She just recently, since last week, has been getting on her hands and knees, but has yet to actually coordinate her limbs to start crawling. She is standing w/ assistance only, but has had very strong legs since she was a newborn. She can not pull herself up to standing either. Incidentally, we just had her 9 month check up this morning, and her pediatrician said that she should be doing these couple of things (crawling, pulling to stand) in the next month or so and to not worry (as of course these are all just general milestones that the 'average' baby reaches). Is your daughter babbling, imitating sounds and playing fun games like peekaboo or pattycake? Apparently these are other 'characteristics' of babies of our's age. Our baby is also still on 2nd foods, because I'm still so paranoid about choking. Although her doctor said she can start doing finger foods, I do insist on still spoon feeding her (since I still have so much left), but will give her a low sodium Ritz cracker while supervised every once in a while b/c she seems desperate to try all adult table food. Doc also mentioned soft food like banana, mashed veggies, etc. although we haven't experimented too much with these yet.

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