14 Month Old Climbing Out of Crib

Updated on December 30, 2010
K.Y. asks from Denton, TX
13 answers

My son just turned 14 months old and has climbed out of his crib several times. The crib tent does not work for our crib because it is a sleigh/convertible crib and is too big (we just tried one and will be taking it back). He is very adventurous and I am almost positive that he would not stay in the toddler bed if we converted the crib. We are at a loss because he seems way too young to switch over. He barely even says uh oh so I'm not sure if he would understand the concept of staying in his bed. Please help!

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answers from Dallas on

My son started climbing at 20 months and so we went to toddler bed, and it was quite a fight at naptime to stay in his bed (never was a good sleeper), so I'm with you and I would try anything else before giving up! My only idea, since the crib tent won't work on the crib, is trying a pack and play crib and putting the crib tent on that. Maybe you could get by with that for 6 months or so, then convert to the toddler bed. Sorry, I know this is a frustrating fight!

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answers from Dallas on

This is the exact reason we switched my son to a bed at 13 months old. Surprisingly, he stays in the bed fine. There have been a few nights he got up and started playing, but we let him just play and put himself back to sleep.

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answers from Anchorage on

If he is climbing out it is time for a toddler bed. Both of my boys moved to a toddler bed at 16 months with no issue. I just put a gate at the door so they could not leave the room. The first couple of night he fell asleep at the gate, so I would just put him in bed. Than the next couple of nights I found him sleeping in his toys, and under his bed!! I just kept putting him in the bed so he would wake up there, and by the end of the week he had it down. It is better for him to fall asleep on the floor a couple of nights than to get injured falling from his crib!!

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answers from Augusta on

nope not to young to switch,
The only difference will be that he won't get hurt badly if he falls out of it. Cause at this point the Crib isn't keeping him in anyway.
Change him over before he gets seriously hurt. The
He'll get it. Just keep putting him back in bed.

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answers from Honolulu on

My son started doing that about 2 years old. I told him it is dangerous, he can get hurt. One day, he fell out. Not hurt or anything, but he cried and it was enough for him to realize, that he CAN get hurt doing that. Since that time, he NEVER climbed out of his crib again.
He LOVED his crib... .and he slept in it even when he was already 3 years old. Then one day he said he'd like to sleep in a regular bed. So we did. And he was fine and ready.

all the best,

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answers from San Francisco on

My son climbed out of his bed at 13 months... we moved him to his toddler bed and he did great from the very first night.

It is dangerous to keep him in his crib any longer...

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answers from Phoenix on

Not too early at all, jsut safer.
I was worried my ds wouldn't stay in bed either but he still doesn't climb out after 3 months in a toddler bed! he sits in it and waits til we come get him. You may have a few nights where he gets up, I used a baby gate at the door just to ease my mind. They get it better than we think. Just make a big deal out of it for him "it's a big boy bed!" things like that.



answers from Dallas on

I have 2 kids. A 3 yr old and a 22 month old. The youngest when she was 15 months old starting climbing out of her crib and my oldest never did that. I wasn't for sure what to do but I didn't want to have her keep doing it because I was afraid that one day she'd climb out with her blanket and hang herself. Both kids at the time slept in seperate rooms. I decided to combine there rooms. I turned her crib into a toddler bed. She wouldn't stay in it either so I had to start shutting the bedroom door when it was bedtime. She would cry at the door for a while, then go to her bed and go to sleep. Before I went to sleep I would open there bedroom door if they were asleep. From then till now has worked out fine. She does come in our room in the middle of the night or very early morning sometimes, but we would put her back in bed and shut the door again. This may be something you might have to do to keep the child in there bed.

I know how you feel because I didn't have any kind of problem with my first one doing this. And as a matter of fact we had to get her, her own bed when she was 18 months because my second one was due a few months later and I needed the crib back and she didn't realize for a long time that she could even get out of her bed. It all worked out to.

Hope all works out, good luck.


answers from Modesto on

If he's climbing out Mom you have no choice but to get him into the bed. He is old enough to understand that his bed is for sleeping, now you can lay there with him and read night night stories...... I sure miss those days. Youll have a great time laying in there with him and reading books, that's how my kids learned to read by age 2. Enjoy your new "bigger boy" stage.


answers from Austin on

Yep, we had to switch our daughter to her big bed at 1 year.. Totally could climb that crib in seconds..

You could start out with his crib mattress on the floor in a corner..

Then do a double gate for his doorway. It took a few days.. maybe 4 for her to learn we were serious about her not getting out of her room at night.

Brace yourself for the big change. It will be fine.. even if you find him sleeping on his floor as long as he stays in his room, you are doing good.



answers from Dallas on

We're making the switch right now. My 16 month old daughter had actually been giving us signs for a while, bringing us to her bed when she was tired, that sort of thing. She never climbed out, though. We are 8 months pregnant and so when we realized what her behavior indicated we were actually pretty excited.

She has a lifetime crib so the toddler bed level is only about 5 inches off the floor. So far, she seems to LOVE it. I think she enjoys knowing that sleepy time is more in her control.

I will let you know, for us naptime has been a little more challenging than before, as she gets out of bed and brings toys back into it but we very, very calmly just take her back to bed and she even helps us put the toys away before laying back down. The first two days she didn't sleep but now she will after a little while.

Nightime, though, we have been extremely careful to change NOTHING about her bedtime routine. Tonight makes night 5 since our switch and every night she has gone right to sleep.

We put the baby gate up at the hallway separating our bedrooms from the house instead of at her door so if she needs us she can find us but won't be able to get to anything dangerous. Yes, she has fallen out of the bed once but she won't hurt herself at such a low height. We, again, just very calmly put her back in bed and tuck her back in.

I am so glad we did this. My daughter isn't a big talker yet, either, though we do some baby signs but she knows her bed so she figured it out pretty quick. We just have to be sure that "bed" is a positive space. Actually, we had a wonderful moment a couple days ago when she woke up quietly in the morning, instead of the usual "ugh the sun is up" complaining she likes to do, and came and cuddled with her daddy. I wouldn't have traded that moment for all the world. GOOD LUCK!



answers from Dallas on

That seems so young to me, but obviously others have done it so you can too and yes if he's climbing out he can't be in there anymore period. Assuming the bumpers and all toys, blankets are OUT of the crib and he can still climb out? I just can't picture a 1 year old climbing out unless they had bumpers or toys to help them get a lift but I have two boys who surprisingly have never climbed very much. Not sure what else to tell you other than what's been said here, get a new crib where the tent would work or switch to a toddler bed seem to be the only two choices. Good luck!! You may be surprised how he stays in a toddler bed, I was when I switched my 1st one at 2 or so....he stayed in it just fine but set the rules on day one and don't alter them!!



answers from Dallas on

If u try the toddler bed and that doesnt' work, this might seem drastic, but I would sell the Sleigh Crib and buy a different one that a tent will work with. In my opinion you can't put a price on sleep and piece of mind! Both of my kids never climbed out of their cribs until well after they turned 2. So you could still have another year or year and a half of piece of mind. Knowing they can get up and wonder at such a young age makes me nervous! 14 still doesn't understand consequences of thier actions! Just a thought..Good Luck!

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