Solid Foods & Weaning: Lotrimin

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21 answers

11 Month Old with Thrush and Diaper Rash

I went to the pediatrician on Friday after my daughter had a stubborn diaper rash for 5 days that I suspected was yeast-related. Before I took her to the doctor, we had been trying Lotrimin AF on the rash which helped some but not enough. The doctor gave us oral nystatin for thrush in her mouth (I hadn't noticed the small white patches on the inside of her cheeks.) He also gave us nystatin ointment for her diaper rash. It isn't helping at all. Her butt looks worse, she doesn't want to eat solid food and gags a lot when I give her foods she...

Allergen Foods

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18 answers

Can a Food Allergy Affect Urine?

My five year old has always been very sensitive. Often I eliminate bath soap and use dreft on her laundry. Then everything "clears up" and then I will give in to bubbles or revert back to regular laundry detergent. There is never any sory of raised rash, or welts. It is more of a redness. Anyway, it is beginning to be unbearable at times.This usually only happens at night. I am begining to wonder if it is not an "attention" or overtired thing. I usually fuss terrible when this happens. Anyway, I have made appointments for the doctor only to...


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4 answers

4 Year Old Daughter W/recurring Vaginitis

on and off (mostly on) for the past 6 months, my daughter's vagina is irritated, red and odorous. we've been (per the dr.) giving her vinegar baths, putting lotrimin on the affected external area and it doesn't clear up. a culture was previously done indicating no internal problem. a new culture is being done now to look for UTI. has ANYone had this experience? Can anyone suggest what this may be / what course of action to take? I am worried for her health.


Cereal or No Cereal?

Hello Ladies. Ok here's my problem...My new born son is 3 months old now. At...

Forbidden Foods

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10 answers

10 Month Old with Yeast/diaper Rash

My 10 month old daughter has a really bad diaper rash and the Dr. said today that she had a little bit of yeast. He recommended Lotrimin. Does any one know which Lotrimin to use? I have some Vagisil cream. Is that the same or should I get Lotrimin?


Trouble with Thrush

Has anyone struggled with thrush not clearing up? I am breastfeeding and...

Self Feeding & Finger Foods

See all 295 articles
46 answers

Need Breast Feeding Help PLEASE

My baby is almost 3 weeks, and Ive been exclusively breast feeding. However the last few days he's been a fussy eater, pushing the nipple out but then still rooting around like he's hungry. I get him to latch back on for a minute or two, and he either spits it back out, arches his back, or his hands flail around by his face and mouth making it impossible to get him back on. I'll even switch sides and the same things happens. He'll then cry like he's uncomfortable or still starving. He's been very fussy and crying alot too. I have tried...


Baby Yeast Infection

My 7 month old son has a yeast infection. I called the doctor and she said...


Am I over Feeding??

My 6 wks old daughter is eating about 4oz. every 3 hours, but sometime after...