Methods: Zyrtec

10 answers

False Positive Pregnancy Test

I had what I thought was a miscarriage last fall and then the exact same thing seemed to happen this fall. I was late so I took a pregnancy test and it came up positive and then a few days later I would start bleeding. The first time my OB said it was probably just a miscarriage and no need to worry unless I had further problems so they did not run any test and just said to keep trying. This fall they did a vaginal ultrasound and blood work and said that there was no sac and my HGC levels were less than 5 so they determined that I was...

Gender Prediction

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6 answers

Zyrtec and Breastfeeding

I got the OK from my son's pedi that is was okay for me to take Zyrtec while breastfeeding. I have KILLER allergies! She said she took it herself while breastfeeding. It says it is definitely NOT recommended if breastfeeding on the box. I told that to my pedi (I'm sure she knows this...but still) and she still said it was okay. She did say the Zyrtec D would not be okay. Have any of you other moms taken Zyrtec while breastfeeding? FYI-I have never had a supply issue with my milk with my 1st or 2nd baby. Just want some MORE personal...