Diapers: First Response

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12 answers

Advice About Cloth AIO or Pocket Diapers

I'm switching from disposables to gdiapers and cloth and can't decide about which cloth AIO diapers to use. I'm considering Happy Heinys, bumGenius, BerryPlush, etc. Anyone have experience or advice? BTW...I know that disposables (which are still in rotation while I' trying things out) sitting in landfills cannot possibly be a better alternative to what I'm doing. gdiapers biodegrade in less that 2 months vs. at LEAST 200 years for disposables.


Pull-ups or Panties?

My almost 2 1/2 year old is ready to potty train I think. She is showing...

Disposable Diapers

See all 84 articles
17 answers

Best Way to Dispose of Extra Antibiotics

I gave the kids as much pink medicine as they were supposed to have, but I still have some left over. Does anyone know the best way to get rid of it? Flush it, trash it, rinse it down the sink? My concerns are mostly environmental, wouldn't want my extra amoxicillan to find it's way into our drinking water or poison any fish.