Allergies: BumGenius

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17 answers

Allergic to Disposable Diapers?

Our daughter has broken out about 6 times in the past 8 months with severe welts. This started when she was in cloth diapers and then later in disposable diapers. We contributed the first couple of breakouts to lavendar. The first time was when I used Essential Lavendar oil in her wipe solution and the second time when I put lavendar lotion on her. (It took the second time to figure out the connection!) Then in the past week, she has broken out 3 more times. At first we thought it was us changing our dryer sheet brand to Bounce. We...

Allergist Referrals

18 answers

Allergie to Any Diaper, Even the Chlorine Free

My son, 20 months old, is allergic since birth to any diapers with chemicals in it. I switched to 7 generation and it worked fine for 19 months and i think that he is getting allergic to that also...the rash is in front, in the lower belly (still in the diaper area). I also topped using any wipes and do all cleaning with water. He is now developing the same king of rash on his face, cheeks. Could it be a eating allergies?What should I do? Thanks for any advice...BTW I tried almost every single diaper cream....