Photo by: Ben McLeod

Finding the Gift in Giftedness

Photo by: Ben McLeod

When our daughter was about 10 months old, she took her first steps walking between her daddy and me. Ten minutes later, she was running down the hall. “Oh, she’s walking. How exciting!” I thought with all the naïveté and oblivion of a first-time parent. When she was 14 months old, I started a list of all the words she could say. I stopped when I reached 120. When she was three, she was reading.

A few years later, her younger brother had very little interest in reading, but he could add and subtract, kick anyone’s tail playing Memory™, and hit a pitched baseball all the way across the yard – all before his third birthday. Then came our third son, who closely resembles his older sister…on speed. Our house is exploding with brain power, and while such giftedness is something to celebrate, it comes with a whole host of challenging issues. I was talking with the Gifted/Talented specialist at our elementary school last year, and she commented with a chuckle that we “have our hands full” with such extraordinary kids. I replied with a laugh that we’ve never had “normal” children. This is just what we do.

In my observation, there are Really Smart Kids, and there are Gifted Kids – and the parents of the Really Smart Kids have the better end of the deal. True giftedness not only involves intelligence, but thinking so outside the box that the box is not even recognizable. Gifted kids think differently, learn differently, relate to people differently. They are often misunderstood by teachers and peers, and they often struggle with fitting in and feeling accepted. There is a lovely little term called “asynchronous development” that makes life oh-so-interesting: the gifted child may have the intelligence of one many years older, but his body, his maturity and his emotions are still at his biological age – or younger.

In a nutshell, the gifted child does everything earlier than his peers (crawling, walking, talking, reading), uses advanced vocabulary fluently, thinks about and notices things that other kids don’t, may be ultra-sensitive, perfectionist, underachieving, has a heightened sense of justice, has texture aversions, and has a higher risk of depression and suicide. A gifted child could have all of these characteristics, some of these characteristics – or none of them. Think of it this way: if you put IQ scores on a Bell curve, the gifted child would be as far to the right as the mentally disabled child is to the left. They are, in their own unique way, “special needs” kids – which creates a big problem when the educational system teaches to the middle or to the lowest common denominator.

Whether you have a Gifted Kid or a Really Smart Kid, the most important thing you can do is advocate, and this is a delicate art which begins with getting to know and help your child’s teachers. If at all possible, volunteer for your child’s teacher – hang bulletin boards, make copies, cut out 22 construction paper candy canes – whatever she needs. In this way, you are not only freeing time for your child’s teacher to have more time to spend with her students (especially your student), but you will have more opportunities to get to know her, get to know what your child is doing, and make sure that your child is getting what he or she needs in the classroom.

In advocating for your child, it is extremely important that you partner with your child’s teacher instead of demanding preferential treatment. I never, ever use the word “bored” when describing my child (that will put a teacher on the defensive and make her feel like she is doing a poor job), and I always tell the teacher “I don’t want to create any extra work for you, so please tell me how I can help you with my child.” I work with the teacher (and GT specialist and librarian) to create projects or assignments that will stretch my child to his or her potential. I go out of my way to thank the teacher multiple times for all she is doing to help and challenge my child. (Thankfully, every time I’ve said this, my child’s teachers have replied, “I’m just doing my job,” but from what I understand, many teachers do not share this gracious attitude.)

Outside of school, take your kids to the library, to museums, to any free or low-cost cultural or educational experience you can. Sit down with them and read, read, read, read, read, read. Then read some more. And don’t forget to read! Get to know them and their interests, and feed their knowledge in whatever piques their interest. When my daughter was five (and reading at a 2nd grade level), she was obsessed with China – because she noticed everything that was “made in China” – so we read lots of books about China, watched videos about China, cooked Chinese food… and – much to my husband’s chagrin – cheered for the Chinese athletes during the Summer Olympics. Gifted kids have a tendency to hone in on one subject and want to know everything about it – so by all means, feed it.

Entire books have been written on the subject of giftedness, so my list of characteristics and suggestions is by no means comprehensive, and there’s no way I could do this topic justice in a short space. Two great websites on giftedness can give you much more information: Hoagie’s Gifted and Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted. Additionally, many schools/school districts have parent support/education groups, and there are countless websites and organizations that can advise and encourage you as you struggle to raise and motivate your gifted child. Raising gifted kids is both a challenge and a blessing. Like all children, they are unique and extraordinary, and they have the potential to change the world – but only if their gifts are appreciated and nurtured. And, with a lot of effort, a little luck and lots of praying, your house might not explode from all the brain power contained within.

Jennifer Hunt is a wife, mom of three, doting aunt, writer, minivan taxi driver, and household CEO for their home in Texas. When she’s not in the car, she is expending creative energy at From the Corner of My Couch and Lives of Doctor’s Wives.

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As a mom to 3 very different but very wonderful gifted kids (and very challenging!), I really appreciate reading about other's experiences. I think the most important point Jennifer made is to be an advocate for your children. Many parents of gifted children today are facing the obstacles "special needs" parents faced 20 years ago. Truly, our gifted children are "special needs", as well...

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I immensely enjoyed the article and all of the comments and agree with you all. I have one "gifted" son, age 10, and another "really smart" son, age 8. The difference is amazing and most people (even teachers) don't get it. Sometimes teachers feel like they need to give him more work to keep him busy, but it is not true. They just need to be stimulated and challenged on a completely different level. It is truly work to keep my gifted one on the same planet without crushing his spirit...

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Thank you for writing this! I have been struggling to understand my gifted son and this explains a lot. I was a gifted child myself so I thougt I would be able to help him. Sadly the gifted boys are sooooo different from gifted girls. It is good to hear I am not alone in my struggle to help my son through school. Nothing is more frustrating than having a child who is more than capable of succeeding but just doesn't want to because he feels it's too much work.

You just described my husband's life. He's always been gifted and was often bullied in school because he was "different." All of his siblings are just as smart, though some were able to fit in with their peers better and didn't (and now don't) struggle as much in social settings as my husband.

Because of this, I've been educating myself on teaching a gifted child just in case our children are gifted...

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I've always been grateful for my "Smart Kid." Being "gifted" is a real challenge I'm glad we don't have to face! My hats off to the parents of gifted kids.

I was a GT teacher for eight years and rarely encountered a parent that understood the plight of Giftedness so completely.

Pressures from the administration and State Board of Education changed the focus in my classroom from what I truly believe to be the core needs of GT learners to passing the state tests and earning more funding for the district. This epidemic is widespread in my state, and probably others...

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Great description of giftedness and all that goes along with it. I've always said it would be so much easier of my daughter was just really bright, instead of gifted. We are navigating though the school system to have her needs met, and finally her third grade year, with the start of the school's gifted program, she is doing great.

Thanks for your comments.

Thank you so much for bringing attention to this topic. Being gifted does present extra social challenges, and adults tend not to realize that these children need support. You might connect with a local Mensa organization. My daughters enjoyed Mensa meetings, and the Mensa members enjoyed mentoring them. (Their GT class felt like "extra work" rather than a support group.)
You did a great job of describing the situation and offering some practical suggestions.

What a wonderful article about gifted children. Very informative and interesting.
I agree whole heartedly with the recommendation to advocate for your child in school. Schools are not geared for gifted children, and without your advocacy your child might not get his needs met in the school environment, particulary the public school.
To request an article about how gifted children are treated in schools across the country, please email at [email protected]

Wonderful post! You've done a great job illuminating not only the academic challenges of gifted students, but their socio-emotional disparages, which most kids and unfortunately all too often most teachers don't understand. It is frustrating that the budget ax usually swings harder to the left of that bell curve even though our gifted kids will be the inventors, leaders, truly the architects of our future...

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Wow - very well said! You brought up some very interesting points about being in your child's classroom to observe how the teacher is helping/encouraging your "gifted" child - I think I'll take to my son's teacher and offer a day or two as needed!

Thank you for this right-on-the-money piece! My older son is gifted, and it is a true combination of strengths and challenges. I really appreciate you putting it into words.

Very well written. My daughter is gifted, was reading by 2 (self taught!) and special ed as well. She has aspergers syndrom. Her IQ is assessed between 136-139 and she is 8 years old. We have a wonderful school and gifted children need IEPs but social education as well. With her social behavior class, she has made huge strides this year in initiating and nurturing friendships with her peers.

You make it sound so easy to advocate for your child and find resources! At least in my area, it has been super difficult to find anything to help me figure out what to do with my brainiacs. My oldest turns 6 today and he picked up Harry Potter and the Chronicles of Narnia for something more interesting to read, and taught himself to multiply when he was 4...

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I'm curious what the author's definition of "gifted" is or what the general definition is. I've read it's an IQ of 130 or more which is equivalent to the top 3% of the population. Somehow, however, over half of the people I meet claim their children are gifted. I've made 4 fairly close mom friends since we moved to our neighborhood and 3 of the 4 say their daughters are gifted. I'm not disputing the author's children are gifted but I think the use of this label has gotten out of control.

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