Video Games: Child, LeapPad

Results 31-40 from 46 articles

No Toy Christmas Gift Ideas

S.B. asks from Dallas

The Christmas season is right around the corner. I am already being hit up for gift ideas from the Grandparents. My children have plenty of toys. Santa will be br...


Leapster-type Device for 3-Yr Old

K.C. asks from Norfolk

I am looking for a Leapster-type device for my 3-yr old. He is fascinated with my 5-yr old nephew's Leapster Explorer, but it is far too advanced for him. My sister...


Birthday Day Gifts for a Not So Ordinary 3 Yr Old

J.S. asks from Dayton

Hi Moms out there. I really need your help right now. My daughter will be turning 3 next month and I have no idea what to get her. She is not your ordinary child. I h...


Helping to Learn Letters

S.E. asks from Gainesville

I just put my 4-year old son into a new daycare and compared to the other children he is "behind". The other children in his class can all regonize their first and la...


When Do Kids Learn the Abc's?

S.N. asks from Orlando

I know that all children are different, and that you can't compare one with the other. However, I've been getting comments about my daughter and I want to know if peo...


Question About Leapfrog or Other Learning Toys

A.D. asks from Dallas

Does anyone own any leapfrog toys for their kids, and if so, have they been at all useful? We want to get more learning toys for our daughter, but are sick of buying...


Potty Trained Toddler Pooping in Underwear

J.B. asks from New York

My son (just turned 4 yrs old) has always had issues with going to the bathroom. He has a very poor diet (no fruits or vegs), I do get fiber into him other ways. He...


We're Taking Our 17-Month Old on an 8-Hour Car trip...suggestions?!

J.D. asks from Tampa

We'll be travelling from the Tampa-area to Atlanta and I'm looking for suggestions on how to keep my 17-month old entertained in the car. We have travelled with him i...


TV Time

S.B. asks from Dallas

My 21 month old son has now been introduced to Nemo (thanks to Nana's Christmas gift) and he goes around the house saying Nemo, Nemo, TV, Nemo. He can also run to the...


What Are Some Toys You Have Given That Your Kids Play with Time and Time Again?

L.F. asks from Charlotte

I have an almost 3 yr old daughter and for her it is the Little People All around town playset. She could play with it for hours if I let her. It was definitely wor...