Traveling by Plane: Infant, Baby Bjorn

Results 51-60 from 253 articles

Travelling on Plane with 2.5 Month Old

N.H. asks from Dallas

i am leaving this sunday to mexico with my 2.5 month old (the father is not coming with us on this trip). this will be my first time flying with a baby, and i was wo...


Suggestions Needed for Flying with a 9 Month Old.

J.M. asks from Los Angeles

Coming up in the near future I am taking a 3 1/2 hour plane trip with my 9 month old son. I am alittle uneasy about it. I am hoping and praying that I won't be that m...


Mom Seeking Advice on Traveling with 2Mo Old on Airplane

H.B. asks from Minneapolis

I am going on about a 3 hour flight for Thanksgiving, looking for any advice or tips on traveling with a newborn. Im concerned about feeding and being away from home....


Flying with a 7 Month Old

T.A. asks from Columbus

Has anyone taken a 6-7 mo old on a plane? My husband and I are trying to book our flights for June when we'll be taking our vacation. Is it better to have a longer la...


Flying Solo with a 8 1/2 Mo Old to AZ

H.H. asks from Hartford

I am looking for any additional suggestions. I am flying alone with my 8+ mo ago daughter to Sedona, AZ. I have read some of the other entry and found them helpful al...


6 Month Olds First Flight

M.S. asks from Philadelphia

Does anyone have any experience on flying with a 6 month old? I am worried about his ears. I am bringing a bottle because I heard the sucking helps the ears adjust to...


First Plane Ride with Almost Five Month Old

D.S. asks from Tucson

Does anyone have any advice or suggestions for traveling by plane with my almost five month old son? I scheduled the flight around a feeding and then hopefully a nap....


Air Travel with 5 Month Old Infant-first Flight!

M.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hi mama's! I am going to be taking my 5 month old to Hawaii and I have no idea what I need to bring with me...I am currently nursing him, so I think I have the fee...


Advice on Flying with a Newborn

N. asks from Dallas

My 3 week old son and I are headed to visit my family for the first time. We have a direct flight (to make it easier). Are there any tips from you moms regarding ...


Flying with a Car Seat

S.A. asks from St. Louis

Has anyone flown with a car seat? Not using the car seat while in flight, but bringing it along for the trip (for use in the rental car)? I'd prefer not to check my...