Traveling by Car: Benadryl

Results 51-60 from 468 articles

My 2 Year Old Has Terrible Motion Sickness- Constantly Vomiting in Car

D.B. asks from Pittsfield

I am a traveler! constantly in the car and have tried to adapt my little one to our family life. The challenge is with our little one easily getting sick in the car- ...


Road Trip for the Car Sick Kid

M.D. asks from Pittsburgh

We are planning on taking a road trip (the only way we would be able to take the trip) and my 7yr old son gets car sick (as do I). I will be the driver for the most ...


Seeking INFO on How to Travel with 9 Month Old Twins...

A.B. asks from Las Vegas

Hello. I'm going to be traveling with my 9 month old twins in August. I would like any tips or suggestions on how to travel with children. My doctor has suggested ...


Have You Ever Used Benydryl to Help Your Child Sleep in the Car on Trips?

D.S. asks from Albuquerque

Hello, I have two children who have never been car sleepers and needless to say, road trip vacation are always a nightmare! My kids are now 6 and 2 and I have hea...


LOONG Road Trip, Need Car Games or Ear Plugs....

B.J. asks from Los Angeles

We're going on a 12 1/2 hour road trip Tuesday, w/o a DVD player. (My 5 kids ages infant to young teen) + my sweet lil 10 month old nephew who just HATES the car & s...


9 Month Old Cries Constantly While Riding in Car

L.K. asks from Grand Junction

My sister-in-law (who I've told and invited to this website, but hasn't tried it yet) has a beautiful 9 month old boy who tends to cry almost non-stop while riding in...


Air-Travel With a 13 Month Old- 1St Time

S.S. asks from Phoenix

Help. My husband and I are taking our son on an airplane for the first time and I'm so nervous! We're flying from here to Chicago in a month, and my son will be 13 mo...


Naps and Sleeping During Travel for a Toddler

K.H. asks from Detroit

We are going on vacation next week with our 15-month-old daughter. She is a very routine-oriented baby and still needs her two naps a day. I haven't had her take a na...


Seeking Air Travel Tips with a 1-Year Old

J.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hello to all you mothers, My husband and I will be going on an international flight to Rome, Italy in June with our 1-year old son for my sister's wedding. We ha...


First Plane Ride with 6Mo Old

J.L. asks from Oklahoma City

I am taking my 6 mo old daughter on her first plane trip next month. Any suggestions? We have travled to Mississippi by car (12 hours) and she has done fine but we di...