Stain Removal: Toddler

Results 11-20 from 291 articles

Stain Removal

T.M. asks from Dallas

Usually I am the source to go to for getting stains out. However I am at a loss, my daughter decided to dye her hair by herself one evening. In doing so she managed t...


Ink Stain Removal

M.H. asks from Boise

Hello Ladies, We just installed new carpet in our home, so you can imagine the frustration we experienced when we returned home and found that our black lab found ...


Stain Removal

J.K. asks from Cleveland

Hello! Does anyone have a favorite stain remover that they could recommend? I am having a difficult time removing food stains from my children's clothing!


Stain Removal

C.G. asks from Chicago

does anyone know of a great stain remover? My daughter spilled a very red italian ice on a bathing suit and it won't come out. I've tried shout and kids and pets wit...


Stain Removal

M.P. asks from Chicago

Was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to remove the stain of Aquafor from sheets? We use that on our daughter at night and have some smudge marks on the...


Stain Removal from Princess Dress

G.M. asks from Salt Lake City

My 2-year old got an adorable white princess dress at Disneyland, and wants to wear it for Halloween. Problem is, there is a huge brown stain going all down the fron...


Stain Removal- Ink on Wood

M.B. asks from Minneapolis

Help! My husband used a piece of red construction paper as a coaster under a cold drink, on my wood dining room table. We now have a large red rectangle right in ...


Stain Removal

K.S. asks from Columbus

I know that this question gets asked often, I've even answered it, but I just can't seem to find anything that will take the orange stains out of my daughters clothes...


Clothes Spots Stain Removal - What Works???

D.C. asks from Dallas

hi moms, neither shout nor "Spray n Wash" seem to cut it for me. My daughter plays in the playground and preschool and I have noticed that the dirt stain persists on...


Red Wine Stain Removal ~ How Do I Remove the Stain

C.L. asks from Minneapolis

My husband handed me a glass of red wine tonight that he wanted me to try. As I took the glass, it slipped right thru my fingers and spilled all over the light beigh...