Soy: Toddler, Safeway

Results 21-30 from 69 articles

12 Month Old with a Stomach Bug

N.C. asks from Washington DC

Last weekend was my son's first birthday. I think that someone showed up to his party with a little bug because now he's sick. It started on Sunday with vomiting an...


I Can't Afford Formula for My Baby

W.W. asks from Sacramento

My daughter has an allergy to milk based formulas, so we are having to put her on Nutramigen. It is extremely expensive, but is the only thing that seems to be workin...


Looking for Good Alternative to Milk for 1 Year Old

D.C. asks from Phoenix

My son was just "diagnosed" as lactose intolerant by our doctor. I'm looking for a good (but hopefully inexpensive) soy milk to start him on now that we can move off ...


What to Do If 2 Month Old Is Getting Constipated?

A.M. asks from Sacramento

I have a 2 month old baby girl with silent reflux. It is getting much better now do to prevacid and switching her formula to soy. My dr had adviced us to try rice in ...


2 Year Old Little Constipated

S.J. asks from San Francisco

Hi, My son was constipated 2 weeks ago. Did not go #2 for almost 2 days. He has gone but it's been really really solid, almost like little rocks. I think it might ...


Lactose Intolerant

H.R. asks from Denver

My 2 year old recently had a stomach bug and now has become lactose intolerant. This happened when she was one and we had to keep her on soy milk for about 6 weeks u...


What Kind of Milk Should I Give My Toddler?

G.L. asks from San Francisco

My daughter is 14 mos. and has shown some signs of intolerance to cow's milk (diarrhea 5-6 hours after a bottle). I'm wondering what kind of milk to give her. She lik...


Toddler Constipation

A.J. asks from Medford

My daughter has been having problems with constipation for a while and I don't know what to do anymore. She gets Benefiber in her milk every morning and we feed her ...


4 Year Old with Stomach Problems

K.R. asks from Sacramento

Hello, my concern is with my 4 year-old son's stomach problems. From his birth, he was breastfed. When I did give him formula, he needed the soy formula because he ...


Milk Allergy

S.J. asks from San Francisco

Hi, My baby seems to have a milk allergy and also has acid reflux. Anyone else out there have this problem and what did you do? I've cut out dairy from my diet...