Sheets, Blankets, Pillows: Infant, Carters

Results 41-50 from 55 articles


A. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms! I've been swaddling my 15 week old daughter at night and she sleeps BEAUTIFULLY. However, she is getting very big and no longer fits in the SwaddleMe wra...


What Clothes to Wear

A.S. asks from Lubbock

I am due in august and I have already bought everything for the new baby.I was just wondering what kind of clothing is best to put on a new baby boy.i have a alot of ...


Could It Be Acid Reflux?

R.M. asks from New York

My 1 month old has been very fussy the last couple of weeks, and I'm not sure whats wrong. He hardly naps during the day, but will sleep for 2-3 hours at a time durin...


4 Year Old Daughter Devastated

J.L. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, I could cry for my daugther right now....She is 4 years old and last week announced that she wants to wear her big girl panties at night. She is potty trai...



J.V. asks from Chicago

Since my daughter was born, I've always used sleep sacks. She will soon be 9 months and I am sorry to say that the kiddapotomus long sleeve sleeper I was hoping to us...


Seeking Advice on "Must-haves" for Friend Expecting Twins

E.R. asks from San Francisco

My friend is expecting twins and I would love advice on any 'must-have' items (or even highly recommended ones) to put on her registry. Thanks in advance for your help!


Fall/winter Sleep Clothes/blankets for 12-18 Month Old?

H.A. asks from San Francisco

Hi there, I'm wondering what our one year old will be sleeping in this fall/winter? She used the sleep sacs last fall/winter, but didn't use anything all summer be...


How Do You Protect Mattress Where the Children Have Been Sleeping Without Diape

K.T. asks from Los Angeles

how do you protect mattress where the children have been sleeping without diapers


Alternative Sleeping for 3 1/2 Month

P.B. asks from Detroit

I have a 3 1/2 month little girl who usually gets a bath at 7:00, bottle after bath and then down to bed. We swaddle her and she usually sleeps until 3:00 a.m. BUT....


Toddler Shoes

J.M. asks from Dallas

I am having such a hard time finding shoes to fit my daughters feet. She is 20 months, and her foot is little and chubby. The problem is that it is not so much wide ...