Public School: Infant, Hydrocortisone

Results 1-10 from 14 articles

Seeking Advice on Infant's Rash

J.P. asks from Miami

My 9 month old son developed a rash about a month ago around his neck and it has spread to his torso and diaper area. His pediatrician prescribed hydrocortisone cream...


Help for Drool Rash & Extreme Dry Skin on My Infant

R.S. asks from Los Angeles

My poor 7 month old son has had red cheeks and chin for weeks now! He is drooling tons, so his pediatrician and I assume it's from that. Nothing I'm doing seems to he...


Calling All Moms with Eczema Babies!

L.W. asks from Raleigh

I don't seem to be getting anywhere with my baby's doctor so I need any advice I can get. For those of you whom have had to deal with Eczema, how do you know what cau...


My Son's Skin Troubles....

J.D. asks from Louisville

My dear little boy is 19 months old. For the better part of the last 6 mos., he has had very rosy cheeks, that get dry and flake and break open. He scratches them a...


My 5 Year Old Has Excema

A.G. asks from Wichita

My 5 year old daughter has excema. When she was an infant, it was so bad that she has scratches all over her face. She was reffered to a determatologist. He gave me s...



L.R. asks from Portland

My son has eczema really badly. He has been tested and turned up positive for a number of food and environmental things, which I have been avoiding (in my diet) and t...


At a Loss and Need Advice!!

K.O. asks from Minneapolis

I'm at a loss with my DS who's 8 1/2 months old and I'll try to make this brief yet descriptive. When he was about 4 months old he started to have signs of eczema - w...


Am I Being a Jerk?

J.P. asks from Boise

Sorry for the length. Let me preface this by saying that I am a total animal person. I have always had a pet my entire life, and last year I lost my 14.5 year old...


Preschooler with Eczema: How Do You Handle the Scratching?

A.B. asks from Kansas City

Okay, my little guy has had eczema since he was 2 months old. He is now 26 months old. It has ranged from severe to hardly there, and we see a pediatric dermatologi...


Help with Cradle Cap

K.G. asks from Los Angeles

My 3 month old still has cradle cap and it's driving me crazy! My pediatrician said not to use anything for it...just use a comb when I bathe her and try to remove t...