Potty Training Traveling: Teen

Results 51-60 from 201 articles

Unaccompanied Minor

D.K. asks from Washington DC

Hello Mama's! I asked this question once before when the site was Mamasource and can't seem to find the original thread, so here's goes again. My son is 8yo. We li...


How Much Do You GIVE Your Teen, and What Do They EARN??

3.B. asks from Huntington

I seem to have a different take on what I will "hand out" to my kids, and what I think they should earn. While there's a big age gap in my 1st and last two, I plan on...


Would You Let Your Baby's Grandparents Take Him on a Vacation Without You?

M.P. asks from Chicago

My mother-in-law lives in the flat downstairs from ours and takes care of our 1-year-old while my husband and I are at work/gradschool. Today she asked my husband if...


Mom Seeking Work at Home

K.P. asks from New York

I was wondering if any stay at home moms/dads are working at home. I work a full time corporate job, and I feel like I am missing too much out of my sons life with al...


Husband Who Travels for Work or Has Crazy Schedule?

J.F. asks from Chicago

I am wondering if there are any other stay at home moms out there who have husbands with CRAZY irregular work schedules, including traveling for work & your husband's...


When Is a Vacation Not a Vacation

M.E. asks from San Francisco

I've recently had two instances when women mentioned doing a lot of reading while on vacation. As if they had so much free time they just sat and read. What am I mi...


When Did You Become a Light Sleeper?

Q.1. asks from Portland

Before kids, I used to be a deep sleeper despite (apparently) having sleep apnea all my life. Now I awake at the drop of a hat. I have to cocoon myself away from ligh...


Teaching Young Children About Public Transit

H.W. asks from Portland

Today my son's kindergarten had a great field trip, and I was so glad I signed up to be a parent escort. We did take our local lightrail train to the site (an arbo...


I Think My 7 Year Old Is Spoiled Rotten!

A.F. asks from Dallas

We are a normal middle class family, nothing fancy. For some reason my child has it in her head that she does not have enough. She is constantly complaining about eve...


Breastfeeding Questions - Long Post!

G.T. asks from Boston

Hi there moms. I am expecting baby #2 any day now and plan on BF'g. I was luckily able to do it for a year with my first, BUT it was not a pleasant experience at al...