Occasional & Drop-in Care: Tween

Results 1-10 from 34 articles

How Do You Find a Babysitter?

K.E. asks from Dallas

I live in The Colony with my husband and my 14 month old. We have been able to have a friend sit with our son about 3 times since he was born. Can someone tell me h...


Babysitter Rates

S.C. asks from Minneapolis

We just had our neighbor girl watch our 10 mo old son for the first time last week and she wouldn't tell us how much she charges and her parents didn't help us either...


Need a Babysitter, Not Daycare

E.S. asks from Kansas City

I used to be able to rely on my mother-in-law if I needed a few hours on a day off, or if my husband & I wanted a couple of hours to go out together. However, she's ...


How Much Would You Pay a Sitter For...?

K.K. asks from Washington DC

Question; how much would you pay a sitter to watch your 2 very young children for 18 hours a week in the sitters house? I was talking to a lady about a babysitting jo...


JFF When Did Your Kids Start to Drink Coffee or Tea?

B.F. asks from Chicago

I just saw a video about Toddlers & Tiaras and one mom's controversial "go go juice", which is Moutain Dew and Red Bull mixed. It made me think about our own coffee a...


Child 16 Months Still Sucking Pacifier

S.N. asks from Washington DC

My daughter is 16mnths and still depends on her pacifier to go to sleep and take her mini-naps in the car. I've tried different little tricks to wean her, but she get...


Military Moms - Help!!!

L.L. asks from Seattle

Ok ladies - my oldest child just turned 2 last week. Her daddy has been underway since january, but came home for a week last week and then left again 2 days ago. S...


Need to Know What to Do with My One Year Old During Prenatal Visits! Plz Help

A.B. asks from New York

I just found out I am pregant with #2. What am I so worried about right now is that I dont know what I am going to do with my 15 month old son during my prenatal visi...


Babysitting - How to Trust New Sitters?

J.S. asks from Minneapolis

We have 3 kids (aged 4 (almost 5), 3 and 16 months). My husband and I are in desperate need of some quality time without the kids :) We've always used his sister an...


Grandparents - How Much Time?

C.S. asks from New York

My mom never sees my kids. She says she doesnt have the time b/c she works 40 hours a week. She goes into work for 3 and drives right by my street. I suggested maybe ...