Montessori: Tween

Results 1-10 from 31 articles

Info About Montessori Schools

K.M. asks from Boca Raton

Hi Moms, I am interested in sending my children to Montessori school. I love the entire philosophy about it. My concern is if they are tolerable to teaching chilren...


Frustrated with Kindergarten Already!

D.J. asks from Detroit

During kindergarten roundup, my daughter's new teacher told us that they focus a large part of their time on writing stories. They don't care about spelling, the lett...


10 Year Old Social/behavioral Development

P.S. asks from Grand Forks

Talking with other parents and the subject came up. What do you expect from your 10 year old? From my other kids that I remember. . . Was able to get ready in the mo...


Considering Having 10 Year Old Daughter Repeat 5Th Grade Next Year

C.W. asks from San Diego

My daughter's teacher suggested we hold my 10 year old back next year to repeat fifth grade. She has a lot of problems with Math. She is also the youngest in her cl...


My 13 Year Old Son Is What Is a "Gifted" Student, Also Learning Disabled

C.G. asks from Los Angeles

What professionals do I speak to, or have him tested by, so that I can get him the exact help he needs? Since he is "gifted" <---school's term, all I get from the sch...


Is Montesorri "Too Much"for My 4 Year-old?

E.W. asks from Charleston

My 4-year-old daughter has been in montessori since last year. She has always loved school and been very excited about it. This year,we've noticed a change,however. ...


Advice from Any Mother with Information on ADHD

B.B. asks from San Antonio

I would like to hear from other Moms concerning AD/HD. I have a 11 year old granddaughter who has been on some type of medication since she was about 6 years old. She...


Does Anyone Do Schoolwork with Their Kids in Summer?

C.C. asks from Philadelphia

I am just curious does anyone do school with their kids? Mon- Fri we do basic school work.I make my 11 yr and my 7 yr read 40 min. They also have write in their journ...


Starting 1St Grade at 5 Years Old!

R.M. asks from Atlanta

My oldest daughter is 5 years old. her birthday is sept 4 which is only 3 days after the cutoff for school. At age 3 she was counting to 100, knew all colors, how to ...


Is It "Necessary" for a 6 Yr Old to Be on a Computer Regularly?

M.D. asks from San Francisco

My 6 yr old dd is in Kindergarten, and I think is "forced" to use a computer once a week at school. At home however, I don't even offer it. She plays games occasional...