Milk, Dairy & Formula: Epi

Results 31-40 from 365 articles

Nut Allergic Child and Sports

K.S. asks from Boston

Hi! I have a nut allergic son who has been having severe reactions. Recently, he had a reaction from touching my daughter's new basketball that was handed to her by a...


Tomato Allergy

C.D. asks from Dallas

Is there anyone out there with a child who has tomato allergies? We are pretty sure that my son Zeke has a tomato allergy. We have asked his allergist and ped. We h...


Excema = Allergy?

E. asks from Detroit

Does Excema ALWAYS mean there is an allergy? My son is 6 months old and has had bad excema since about 2 months. Under my ped's advice, I use Cortisone and Aquaphor, ...


Food Allergy

J.M. asks from Amarillo

Yesterday, my 1 year old son was diagnosed with a peanut and egg allergy (after allergy testing). He had a reaction to peanut butter (face and eyes became red and sw...


Cashew Allergy

A.C. asks from Houston

Any moms out there experienced with cashew allergies? I've read some stuff that indicates a cashew allergy can be linked to a more severe reaction to poison ivy. I su...


Allergy Frustration

S.S. asks from Chicago

We have known that my 16 m.o son is allergic to cow's milk and goat's milk for several months. He breaks out in a rash when he comes in contact with them. He has no...


10-Month-old with Dairy Allegery

L.M. asks from South Bend

Hello all, I posted a few months ago about my daughter's terrible trouble with eczema. Well, we got it under control with an elimination diet for me and some meds fo...


Allergy to Vinegar???

R.P. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, Was wondering if anybody else has an allergy to vinegar. I think I have an allergy to it but am not sure if there is some other allergy that might link c...


Peanut Allergy

N.G. asks from Chicago

My 4 year old daughter was just diagnosed with a peanut allergy, amongst other things. Any advice from you moms with kids in the same situation?


Peanut Allergy

J.E. asks from Los Angeles

what do you think about the ban of nuts in schools? personally I think banning a wholesome nutritious food entirely because 1, 2 or 3 or whatever, the minority, might...