Language: Preschooler, Target

Results 41-50 from 1,370 articles


A.L. asks from Chicago

Is my 4 year old the only one not going to preschool this year? I would like to know from other moms - did you send your kids to preschool, if not do you regret the ...


4 Year Old Pre-school

A.F. asks from San Francisco

My 4 1/2 year old son just moved in to a pre-K class. He has been in this school for over a year now and is well ajusted to his surroundings. This morning when I went...


Need Recommendation for Language Program

J.H. asks from Orlando

I am interested in purchasing a language program for my 18-month old. I have heard about "Your Baby Can Read" and "Leapfrog Learning DVDs" has a similar program. I ...


Need Night-light Suggestions for 4 Year Old Afraid of the Dark

B.C. asks from Dallas

My 4 year old has always been ok with just her night light, but she's been having bad dreams lately and has recently also been night potty training herself, so she wa...


Wanting to Teach Sign Language

A.C. asks from Kansas City

I have a friend who said that teaching her daughter sign language before she was able to talk was helpful. She and the daycare taught her things like: please, thank ...


How to Explain Autistic Child to My 4 Year Old Daughter?

B.C. asks from Dallas

I teach at our 4 year old class at church on Sundays. My daughter is in my class along with our pastor's son who is extremely autistic and acts out in extreme ways. H...


How Do You Help a 3 Year Old Child Give up a Binky/pacifier?

T.D. asks from Salt Lake City

Hello! I have a son that is turning 3 years old in less than two weeks and he is VERY attached to his binky. We have tried to limit it's use to naps and nighttime b...


What to Do with 4 Year Old "Sour" Attitude

L.J. asks from Kansas City

I have a strong willed 4 year old who whines, pouts, complains, and basically refuses to do many simple things I ask. she is very happy and outgoing and then when sh...


Potty Training My 3 Year Old

S.W. asks from San Diego

Hello! My son just turned 3 in April and we are taking this weekend to potty train him. We spent the day following the directions in the "Potty train your child in ...


Home Schooling My 4 Year Old.

A.D. asks from Grand Rapids

Any advice on starting Home Schooling and what are the best resources for preschool?