Language: Nuby

Results 11-20 from 89 articles

Sippy Cup Help

J.B. asks from Los Angeles

Hello mommies, my son is almost 14 months old and for the last two months we've been trying to get him to drink milk from a sippie cup. He's been drinking water from ...


Weaning from the Bottle

E.K. asks from Raleigh

My son just turned 1 a couple of weeks ago, and our pediatrician told us to get rid of the bottle. We've managed to get down to the morning bottle only, but he still...


14 Month Old with Negative Change in Behavior

L.B. asks from Philadelphia

My son has recently been more moody then usual. He is throwing tantrums which he hasn't done before. I am also trying to introduce him to the sippy cup. He throws it ...


Sippy Cup

H.H. asks from Denver

My son is 7 months old, and I was thinking about introducing him to a sippy cup. Even if he doesn't drink from it, I heard it is good for babies to play with a cup f...


Sippy Cup Problems

P.N. asks from New York

Hello everybody! I have a almost 1 year old baby who refuses to drink from a sippy cup. I have tried many different brands (avent, gerber, playtex, NUK) but my baby d...


Looking for a Good Pediatrician in Denton TX

M.B. asks from Dallas

Hi Everyone, I'm looking for a good Pediatrician... does anyone out there love their pediatrician in Denton TX?


"He Just Can't Get the Hang of the Sippy Cup"

D.B. asks from Tampa

My son just turned 1 yr old October 8th and I have been trying to get him to use his sippy cup for about 3 months. He will take it once or twice and just take a coupl...


My 11 Month Old Son Will Not Eat Much Food, He Only Wants Bottle

B.F. asks from Sarasota

my son will not eat much of anything, i have tried all kinds of foods. he will not feed him self either. all he seems to want is his bottle. Ive tried getting him to ...


20 Month Old Daughter Will Not Take Milk from a Cup

A.W. asks from New York

My little girl will not drink milk from a cup. We have tried all types of sippy cups with all kinds of characters on them, but she refuses. SHe will drink juice or ...


Need Help!!!

C.M. asks from Myrtle Beach

I need some advice... Yesterday was my little girls 15 mth wellness check- her pediatrician labeled her "as speech delayed with cronic fluid in her ears"... he said h...