International Travel: First Response

29 answers

Going on an Overseas Vacation with a 1 Year Old

My husband and I are going on a 1-week Caribbean vacation over the summer with other family members and we are wondering if we should take our 1 year old son on the trip. I don't want to leave him behind for that length of time but my husband is leaning toward us having that time for ourselves. I suggested perhaps my husband and I can do a 3-day weekend trip away intead. All I am thinking about is that I will be on this beach resort seeing other moms playing with their toddlers in the sand and my son will be in another country. Is it wise...


13 answers

I Feel like My Son Is Bored with Me..

I am a SAHM to a 20 month old ( active) boy...he always wants to watch choo choo's( thomas the train)...i'm not a HUGE fan of the TV, but thats what keep him content..i dont allow too much..but i feel like 2 hours is alot a day! He LOVES to be outside...but the park is only fun for so long..( not to mention..germ filled) its not the nicest weather now either.. and i am 20 weeks pregnant..and i get tired easily... I am open to suggestions on what to do with him..we can only read so many books,color, put so many puzzles together..and i only...