Home Alone: Epi Pen

Results 1-10 from 76 articles

Play Date and Allergies?

A.F. asks from Lancaster

My daughter is 6 years old, has a tree nut allergy and starting to embrace the "play date." She has an epi-pen, and knows how to use it. How do you all handle play d...


Peanut and Tree Allergies

J.M. asks from New York

Hi Wise Mommas, My 3 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with peanut and tree nut allergies. I'm new to the world of food allergies and would love to learn fro...


Looking for Food Allergy Studies and Advice

K.W. asks from Pittsfield

I have a 5 year-old with severe life threatening food allergies that include wheat, milk, eggs, oats, barley,rye, peanuts, tree nuts, and sesame. I have had to previ...


Refuses Medicine, Medical Treatment, Etc.

J.G. asks from Chicago

My son had surgery at 4 weeks and at 13 months. I had thought we had gotten over his fear of medicine and Doctors, but as of late, his behavior has me really worried....


Trouble with MIL

J.C. asks from Medford

Long story short - I do not trust my mother in law with my children. She is upset with my husband and I for not allowing her to watch our children (we let my parents...


Early Kindergarten or Not? Also, Food Allergy and Schools.

M.O. asks from Phoenix

Well, I'm sort of torn on what to do over here. For a few years, I have done in home childcare/preschool for both my son and other people's children. For my son bei...


Food Allergies

S.D. asks from Houston

My 5 year old son has had severe food allergies since he was born to milk, eggs and peanuts. He is now in kindergarten and with snack time and lunch I am a nervous wr...


Febrile Seizures & the ER

V.K. asks from Minneapolis

My son has his 3rd febrile seizure tonight. Each time he has had a febrile seizure I take him in to the ER. After his second febrile seizure, the ER doctor told u...


What the BEEZ!

E.B. asks from Seattle

I am seriously allergic to Wasps. When we moved into our house my Brother in Law had told us they had to spray for them, but it looked like the spray took care o...


Question for Parents with Kids with Food Allergies...

J.G. asks from Rockford

My daughter, who has no food allergies, has a little friend who she wants to have over for a playdate or sleepover soon that has food allergies. She has a few, but th...