Hawaii: Toddler, Baby Einstein

Results 1-10 from 22 articles

Flying to Hawaii with Seven Month Old

K.H. asks from Tampa

Hi Everyone! Thanks for all of the great advice, suggestions and ideas! I knew that coming to Mamasource for the info would be helpful! I enjoyed reading your fami...


Should I Take My 10-Month Old to Hawaii?

B.J. asks from Provo

My husband and I have been planning a 13-day trip to Hawaii in April 2009 since before our baby was born. He will be 10 months old when we go, and we have been planni...


Taking a 1 Year Old to Hawaii

M.F. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms! My Husbandand I recieved a small refund from our taxes and we have decided to go on vacation. We are going to use miles to fly and we found a great deal to g...


How to Survive a 13 Hour Plane Trip with a 17 Month Old??

A.B. asks from Portland

My husband and I are flying from West coast US to Australia next month with our 17 month old son. His favorite word is down and he is NOT a cuddler!!! I am starting t...


Good Videos for a 21 Month Old Toddler on Overseas Flight

A.M. asks from Great Falls

I am taking my 21 month old baby to Italy with my Mom on a vacation this May. We did not reserve a seat for my child but we are in a row of three seats, she with the ...


Taking 14 Month Old on 5 Hour Flight...

T.W. asks from Los Angeles

Hi moms, I'm completely terrified about taking my little one on vacation with us, but I really want to go! It is about a 5 hour flight and we will be in coach seat...


Traveling with a 11 Month Old

M.F. asks from Dallas

We are going on a trip to Hawaii with my husband's whole family in April. I am concerned about the long plane ride and the time change. Any suggestions on what will...


Long Flight with a 10 Month Old.

A.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hello wonderful Mommies. I am going on a vacation to Aruba next week with my husband and 10 month baby boy. YAY. My parents will be there too so this vacation coul...


Flying with a 2 Year Old

K.D. asks from Dallas

Hi all, I am wondering if anyone out there has any tips on taking my toddler on a plane. We flew when she was a baby, and that was a breeze because she slept throug...


Air Travel with 5 Month Old Infant-first Flight!

M.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hi mama's! I am going to be taking my 5 month old to Hawaii and I have no idea what I need to bring with me...I am currently nursing him, so I think I have the fee...