Find an Allergist: Toddler, Pulmicort

Results 41-50 from 91 articles

Has Anyone Ever Used a Chiropractor for Their Babies Sinus Issues?

D.C. asks from St. Louis

My 11 month old daughter has had a runny nose for almost two months now. She has red puffy eyes frequently. She recently was treated with antibiotics for a double ea...



K.R. asks from Melbourne

Hello, My son is 31 months and he ALWAYS have this cough that comes and go. Last year he had several Upper Resp. Infection. Ever since they put him on a Nebulizer, ...


Reaction to Albuterol

D.P. asks from Dallas

Hello, Mamas! I need some feedback. Our 3 year old son has asthma issues only when he has a respiratory illness. During those time, we have successfully given him ...


Constant Coughing

W.B. asks from St. Joseph

My son is 13 months and has had a cough for the past 1 1/2 months. He has been to the doctor twice about the cough and they will not give him any medications. It is...


Orapred ODT / Steroid for "Asthma"

K.O. asks from Detroit

My 3 1/2 year old has been coughing non-stop at night. His ped. tried some stuff and nothing worked so we went to see an allergist/specialist in better breathing. He ...


Breathing Problems

K.P. asks from Dallas

My son is 7 months old and has been into his pediatrician twice before with wheezing and was perscribed Albuterol syrup to be taken every 6-8 hours as needed. Yesterd...


No More Asthma PLEASE

J.D. asks from Dallas

My daughter (2) has had asthma for 2 years. We have an attck every 4-6 weeks. We have avoided the hospital several times but get neamonia quite frequently. We are a h...


Infant Asthma

S.B. asks from Washington DC

My almost 5 month old son has been wheezing for about a month now. Our pediatrician tried several meds but they didn't really help much, so he sent us to a pediatric...


Anything Else You Can Do for Allergies

A.B. asks from Savannah

My 15mo old daughter was diganosed with allergies about a month ago. In the beginning 1/2 tsp of Zyterc was doing a wonderful job of helping with the allergies. Her...


Coughing Associated with Allergies/asthma???

T.A. asks from Chicago

This allergy thing is all new to me as we got my daughter tested a couple months ago and she is allergic to EVERYthing except for food. With that in mind, once we put...