Family Law: Older Child, Britax

Results 21-30 from 67 articles

Car Seat on Vacation Question

A.K. asks from Iowa City

We're taking a trip to San Diego with our kids (ages 7 and 3) and we'll be renting a car once we arrive. How do other parents travel with young kids and deal with the...


Need Advice on Airplane Travel

S.S. asks from Chicago

Hello mommies, I am looking for some opinions from those of you who have traveled with your preschooler. My daughter is 3 1/2 and will be going on her first airplan...


Advice About a Mom That Doesn't Always Use a Carseat for Her Toddler

A.W. asks from Seattle

So this is a really tough one. I have a sister-in-law that doesn't always put her toddler in a car seat. most of the time she does, but I just found out that there ...


Transitioning Out of Infant Car Seat

S.F. asks from Lima

Hi all! I have an 8 month old "little boy" who is 21+ lbs. (yes, can we say OINKER? haha) He is also very big and his little legs hang over the edge of his pumpkin ...


Your Thoughts on Putting an 9 1/2 Months Baby Forward Facing

H.M. asks from Phoenix

My understanding was that you should never put a baby forward facing until they are 1 year and 20 lbs. Yesterday, I was riding with my SIL and noticed that she had h...


At What Age Would It Be Good to Bring a Child on an International Trip?

L.M. asks from San Francisco

My in laws would like to go as a family to Italy sometime. What would be a safe/easy age to bring a child on an international vacation?


Do You Know Anyone Who DOESN'T Use a Booster in the Car for Their 4-5 Yr Old?

X.O. asks from Chicago

I just read an article that said: "Only 48% of 4- and 5-year-olds use them, along with 35% of 6- and 7-year-olds, according to a 2008 survey by the National Highway T...


Baby Carseats

J.B. asks from Phoenix

hey moms,it's time for my little one to move into a bigger carseat, which one do i choose? i am getting one from my family for Christmas and i am overwhelmed by all t...


Front and Rear Facing Car Seats

S.H. asks from Green Bay

My son is about ready to upgrade to a bigger car seat, but I would like him to stay into a rear facing one as long as possible since he is only 12 months. Does anyon...


Airplane Travel for a Toddler

C.F. asks from Pittsburgh

My sister-in-law, my nephew, my son, my mother, and I are going to the beach this summer. Because of a wedding, I have to fly down to AL with my son. I've been lookin...