Eighth Grade: Older Child

Results 31-40 from 76 articles

Grandmother with Concerns

C.G. asks from Atlanta

My daughter and son-in-law were unable to have children. They eagerly threw themselves into a foster care program, and before long were thrilled to bring sibling boy...


Sneaking Food

J.T. asks from Pittsburgh

I am raising my grandchildren and my 9 year old grandson is sneaking food. The doctor has recommended watching his weight because his BMI is way too high. He doesn'...


Son with Great Potential in STEM

L.R. asks from Boston

Hi- This probably sounds like a strange question. I've taught mathematics to older students for several years now. So, I feel like I should know how to motivate my ...



L.H. asks from Washington DC

I have a 10 year old boy that is struggling. He is very smart. He plays soccer. He has lots of friends. But....he has a low self esteem. I spoke to the school counsel...


Christian Parents Dilemma: Private Vs. Public?

F.T. asks from Detroit

Hi all, I'm writing to solicit thoughts, input, testimonials. Backdrop: my husband and I are both non-denominational Christians. We were educated, K-12 in Catholic...


Advice on "Mean Girls."

T.S. asks from New York

I have two daughters in elementary school. The constant change of BFFs and malicious fighting that goes on between girls is so stressful. My daughters regularly come ...


How Are Events Termed Important Vs. Not?

M.M. asks from Houston

How do you determine what event is important vs. not? Kinder grad is coming up and hubby says he won't go since he has a business meeting. Been there for 10+ years an...


At What Age.....

K.P. asks from San Francisco

My daughter is 7 and is interested in all the "grown-up" girl things ie: shaving her legs(to tell you the truth, her legs are a little hairy!), make-up(I know that 7...


The Best Education

B.S. asks from St. Louis

My children are 19 months and 4 and a half months. My situation is this we just moved in our house in March and we would like to either stay here when the kids start ...


Will a Small-for-his Child Fit In?

E.E. asks from Washington DC

My son is 4.5, weighs 32lbs and is about 38 inches tall (5th percentile or less for both). He's always been small but is a super eater, on target developmentally, ph...