Discipline: Toddler, Baby Einstein

Results 31-40 from 191 articles

My 3 Month Old Is Already Obsessed with Television...

A.K. asks from San Francisco

My in-laws used to "watch" my newborn the first few weeks while I recovered from my pregnancy as I had some complications. Whenever they wanted to keep her occupied t...


Long Car Ride with 5 Month Old

J.J. asks from Chicago

Hello moms. I am wondering if anyone has any tips for traveling in the car with a 5 month old. We need to drive to North Carolina to see my grandparents and I am ne...


7 Month Old First Flight

K.B. asks from Portland

I am flying to South Carolina with my infant son in October. It will be his frist flight. I am a nervous wreck! I think the main thing I am worried about is him sc...


9 Month Old Only Eats What She Can Feed Herself

M.F. asks from Chicago

My 9 month old is an EATER but she will only eat what she can feed herself. She still takes a bottle (about 24 oz/day) but refuses babyfood or anything similar. I a...


Flying with a Busy 8 Month Old Boy

H.D. asks from Boston

Wondering if anyone has some tricks for keeping a busy baby occupied for a 4 hour flight? Part of the flight is during his morning nap time, so I'm hoping I'll get a...


What Do You Guys Do to Stimulate a 2 Month Old

J.A. asks from Los Angeles

Hello other the lovely mommas! (I'm really loving this website, btw. Everyone is so helpful!) I have a 2 month old, and this is my first child. Just wondering what yo...


9 Month Old with Sleep Issues

J.H. asks from Columbia

I have a 9 month old little boy that has been having a lot of trouble sleeping at night. He wakes up about 30 minutes after we put him down and then we go through th...


Help Getting a 6 Month Old to Sleep!

K.S. asks from Jacksonville

My beautiful daughter is almost 6 months old. She is a very active little girl who loves looking around and getting into ANYTHING with in reach. She has never been wo...


8 Month Old Very Clingy and Still Wakes Every 1-2 Hours All Night Every Night!

F.G. asks from Phoenix

*** New info first!*** I posted the following request just about 36 hours ago and already I have had so many replies. You are all wonderful. I had so many diff...


Seeking Advice on Flying with a 1-Year Old!

J.H. asks from Sacramento

Hi Mom's!! I've had great luck with all of your advice so far, and now I have another question! Next month I will be travelling on a place with a 12 month old for t...