Diaper Disposal: Infant, A&D

Results 21-30 from 45 articles

REALLY Bad Diaper Rash After Taking Amoxicillan

L.N. asks from Dallas

My DD of 5 1/2 months has a relly bad rash that seems to be painful when she goes number 1 or number 2. I have been using Aveeno and that has worked well in the past ...


First Time Mom- Baby Shower- What to Ask For.

S.B. asks from Gainesville

Hello moms ! I am 5 months pregnant, and have no family here. I have had the same job for 4 years, and my supervisor at work is dead set on throwing me a baby shower....


Mommy and Baby Products

M.M. asks from Las Vegas

I just had a quick question. I have several family members who are going to be having babies here really soon. I have my ideas of what to get them but I am requesting...


Just for Fun -- Most Used Baby Item

M.L. asks from Philadelphia

I am putting together a basket for my sister in law who is having her second (after a 6 year gap) (due in July) of "my favorite things" after having my 8 month old. A...


Switching to Cloth diapers...need Some Advice

A.M. asks from Washington DC

Hi! I am re-writing this as I have gotten wonderful advice on diaper rashes BUT I really am more interested in using cloth diapers and just hoping that helps the rash...


Balmex Application Tips

P.R. asks from Boston

Well, my 5 month old has a slight diaper rash and I now remember what I hate about Balmex, putting it on their but! The one in the tube isn't asthick and doesn't wor...


My Husband Is Fed up with Cloth and Wants to Switch Back to Disposables

S.R. asks from Kansas City

So we have been having problems with our daughters diapers for about 3 months now, maybe a little more. First is was the ammonia stinkies (BAD), then we got rid o...


The D. Rash That Won't Go Away

S.S. asks from Dallas

I have recently started cloth (AIO) diapering my 16 month old and she has a horrible rash that just won't go away. At night, I put her in her Huggies and slather her...


Soap for Cloth Diapers

A.S. asks from San Francisco

I am swichting to cloth diapers at teh first of the month and am not sure what knid of ditergent i should be useing. I would really like something i can get at babies...


I Think I Might Be Converting to Cloth... Just a Few ?S

M.M. asks from Lake Charles

I SWORE I'd never ever ever even consider cloth diapers but I just read one mom's post asking about them and I'm SERIOUSLY considering :) Our water bill is SUPER chea...