Dating & Relationships: Nasonex

19 answers

14 Year Old with Chronic Headaches

My daughter started getting headaches roughly 2 years ago with them coming about every other week or so and at this point we have progressed to everyday. She gets nausea with them sometimes and comes very close to throwing up but never does. I started with the primary care doctor who gave her some muscle relaxers because at the same time she had injured her shoulder and it was very sore playing volleyball. We followed up with him and I can't remember now all the avenues we took but they were not working. One day she was crying and begging...


13 answers

Two and a Half Year Old, Sleep Apnea/disorder or Just Snoring?

My two and a half year old daughter makes very strange sounds when she sleeps. It occurs both during her naps and at night, even when she naps in the car upright in her car seat. It sounds as if she is struggling to breathe and gasps for air. It is not due to a cold because we have noticed this as far as we can remember. She has an appointment on tuesday for a sleep apnea test to see if there is oxygen restricted to her brain. Has anyone out there experienced this with their own child? I mentioned it to her ped and she mentioned that it...