Co-Sleeping: First Years

Results 51-60 from 80 articles

Bottle & 16 Month Old... HELP ME! =/

A.D. asks from Corpus Christi

My daughter is 16 months old (almost 17 months actually...) and yes, she is still on the bottle. She does take a sippy cup perfectly fine throughout the day, but ONL...


Transitioning into Own bed....HOW????

D.J. asks from Portland

I have a 10 month old who is just not wanting anything to do with her crib! I try putting her there for naps and she will do ok, but won't sleep as long as when she ...


Transitioning Newborn to Sleeping in Bassinet??

S.F. asks from Dallas

Hello! My six week old has been happily sleeping in his car seat since we brought him home from the hospital. He also happily sleeps in his swing or if I'm holding ...


My 9 Month Old Will Not Sleep

S.D. asks from Los Angeles

My 9 month old son will not sleep. He is up about 6 to 8 times a night. He wants to be fed every time, and since I am breastfeeding this is a lot to ask of me. Mos...


Nap Difficulties.

D.M. asks from Tucson

On Monday, my husband and I decided it was time for the pacifier to be gone. Our son was only getting it at naptime and bedtime. He seemed fine Monday at bedtime, t...


If You Have a Great Relationship with Your MIL....

L.T. asks from Houston

what do you think makes it great? I have an ok one with mine (some times better than others but what do you expect after 20+ years?). I am just thinking (WAY) ahead t...


Need Advice on Keeping Baby Awake!

J.B. asks from Birmingham

Hi all! I am the proud mom to my second son. He is 2 1/2 weeks old now. I am trying SO HARD to be successful at breastfeeding this time. I was unsuccessful with my fi...


Breastfeeding/Pumping In the Night

M.M. asks from Miami

Hi! My son is 2 months and he's been regularly nursing every 2-2 1/2 hours. In the last 4 days when I lay him down for bed he is sleeping about 5 hours straight bef...


Which Baby Monitor Do You Highly Recommend

V.D. asks from Dallas

I registered for a baby monitor that has gotten horrible reviews. Could you share with me which baby monitor is by far the best. Our house is aprox. 2000 sq. ft. an...


4.5 Month Old Is Waking up Every Hour!!!

K.N. asks from New York

Hello everyone!I am having major sleep issues with my little son. At 3.5 months, he was sleeping 10+ hours at night. You can't imagine how happy I was! Well, two week...