Checkups & X-rays: Enfamil

7 articles


A.A. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Moms. My daughter was recently tested for anemia at her three year appointment and it came back that is is anemic. There are several types of anemia but the l...


Help with Premature Thelarce, Soy Formula and Dairy Intolerance

H.D. asks from Chicago

My daughter just had her six month appointment yesterday and was diagnosed with Premature Thelarche (she is starting to grow breasts but is not exhibiting other signs...


Vitamins for a 15 Month Old

L.D. asks from Washington DC

Hello, My daughter eats mostly table food now. I try to feed her a nutritous diet but my mother in law recommended I also give her vitamins. Do other mother's give t...


Kid's Vitamins

R.S. asks from New York

My daughter Maya, 26 months old, is a picky eater. Some days she simply just drinks milk and no solids. I'm contemplating whether or not to start giving her vitamin...


Baby Can't Stay Latched on and Seems to Need More Milk than I Can Provide

C.Q. asks from San Francisco

I have a 3 month old baby girl and for the past week she doesn't seem to want to stay on my breasts. She would latch on, suck a few times, then come off. I have tri...


6 Month Old in Negative 3% for Weight

K.T. asks from Dallas

It's a long story -- but when I was pregnant with my daughter, she started to decline in growth at around 30 weeks. At 39 weeks I was sent for an emergency c-section...


How Many Moms... (Breastfeeing ?)

M.!. asks from Columbus

How many moms had no problems at all with breastfeeding? I am just trying to see how common it is to have a proble; cracked nipples, pain, etc. I want to breastf...