Bronchitis: Myself

Results 81-90 from 1,212 articles

Breastfeeding While Sick

K.H. asks from Kalamazoo

Hi out there! I have a quick question for all of you moms that breastfeed. Tessa (my little girl) is 4months old and I am still breastfeeding. I am starting to com...


Medication Question

J.O. asks from Detroit

This is the third week of my illness and I don't really feel better. At first it was dry cough, and now it's a loud, productive cough that produces mucus. I also have...


My 16 Month Old Son Looks Yellow/greenish!!!! Help!

A.F. asks from Los Angeles

Yesterday i posted a question about my son not feeling good and some symptoms he had!! Since he wasn't getting better my husband and i took him to the hospital las...


Hacking Cough

A.S. asks from Minneapolis

Both my girls have come down with a biggy. They also have this horrible hacking cough. My youngest (1yr) got the cough first, and it really doesn't seem t...


Sharing Bites from Grandmom's Spoon, Food, Straw, Etc.

A.C. asks from Detroit

Every time we eat out or have a treat, my mother wants to share her food with my kids. She'll lick her ice cream cone, then let my kids take a lick, or take a bite of...


Chronic Ear Infections and Adenoid Removal????!!!

F.L. asks from Phoenix

My 3yo son has chronic ear infections has had 4 that we know of in the last 4 months...we took him to an Ear nose and throat doctor yesterday and he recommended ear t...


Freaking Out....

H.S. asks from Greensboro

My little girl is almost 11 months old and has some respiratory problems recently. She has been in the hospital all weekend with breathing difficulty. She is doing ...


Do I Need to Change Pediatricians

S. asks from Chicago

My 16 month old has been sick (runny nose, ear infection, cough, etc) since August (when he started day care). We have gone to the doctor at least 8 different times....


2 Year Old Coughing.

J.C. asks from Boise

my son has been coughing terribly for almost 5 weeks now.we have gone to the docs several times.i think it might be chronic bronchitis but not really sure.he had bron...


My Son Repeatedly Keeps Getting Sick

B.G. asks from Dallas

I have an 11 year old son. He just started middle school this year and is making good grades. He keeps getting sick over and over. His symptoms last about a week and ...